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Hi there 👋

My name is Kush Daga, also known as dev_kid. I'm a full stack web developer with interest in fields like 3D animation and gaming, Blockchain, Finance, Design and animation. I'm proud to say that I can succesfully center an element using css. I am good with animations and creative processes that make the journey a lot more fun.

More about me:

  • 🔭 I’m currently working as ... Founding Engineer at Segwise.
  • 🚧 I'm currently building ... Bugzy and Shundo with Tanvesh - A SDK to easily collect bugs, feedbacks and queries in your product!
  • 🌱 I’m currently learning ... How to build a browser
  • 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on ... Anything, Im very cheerful :)
  • 🤔 I’m looking for help with ... SwiftUI
  • 💬 Ask me about ... React is my forte, but ask me about anything, if I dont know, Ill search for it with you!
  • 📫 How to reach me: ... [email protected]
  • 😄 Pronouns: ... He/Him
  • ⚡ Fun fact: ... Did you know about the array.some() method in Js ? :)

My Work

I have mostly worked with Frontend technologies, like React, NextJS and Svelte (still learning) using mainly typescript as my first language of choice, most of my work revolves around this domain :)

Current Work:

Fampay (Current Focus) - Joined Fampay as a Full-Time Frontend Developer, working on thier web view flows inside Native applications used by 5mn+ users. Working with React, React-Query, Styled Components.

Templates that I made:

Private Work:

  • UrbanTV - UrbanTV was the go to solution for live commerce in India, a platform that enables any creator, housewife, employee, or a brand, to easily start selling thier products to buyers via LiveStreams, with easy solution for buyers to add to cart and buy the product shown.

  • Hallparty - Worked with Hallparty as their lead frontend developer for the web and app of their product Hallparty - A social media app for colleges and communities. My work involved dealing with alot of complex architecture in frontend to ensure smooth user experience on the platform. Technologies used in the platform are as follows

    • NextJs and ReactNative: For building the website and the app.
    • WatermelonDB: Async fast storage solution for keeping the chats.
    • XmppJs and Ejabberd: For socket connections and maintaining the chats.
    • Agora and Firebase: For voice rooms and realtime connection with them.
    • Tailwind: For design and css.
    • RxJS: For managing streams and events.
    • Redux Toolkit : The state management library for the project.
    • Custom hooks and Api builder Classes: For managing api calls and other effects in components.

Projects that I aim to complete some day:

Swank - A project for building a small documentation based social media app that motivates users to participate in challenges like 100daysofcode and keep them motivated by rewarding consistency and having a feed to track the progress of themselves and get motivated by progress of others. A solution that involves the Feed structure similar to twitter but in depth knowledge of the post in a format similar to hashnode and incentives similar to snapchat's streaks. Tech used - Nextjs with prisma and GiraphQL

NotsApp - An integration for WhatsApp - Notion, an easy way to add content to your notion page by just sending a WhatsApp message, building using Notion official Api, Node, and NextJs.

All other projects (Basic ones included):

Name Link Description Language Difficulty
CLIAS GitHub A simple CLI tool to quickly add aliases to your zshrc file Go Low
Viberrr GitHub A website to allow you to create Playlists based on the event description you want to go to! T3 Stack, ChatGPT Low
Crowdd GitHub A website where you can see how many people are at a given place at a time (helps in planning where to go to eat, outing, etc.) Remix, Vercel, Prisma Low
GetMe GitHub A small tool to create your own API endpoint, use it for your website or anywhere else! Remix, PlanetScale, Vercel Low
DagaPack GitHub My own webpack in Go! Go Med
PlsReadme GitHub First project in GOLANG to build readme files for your projects! Inspired by Go Med
Guess The Flag Github Second Project in SwiftUI - A game to guess flags SwiftUI Low
WeSplit Github First Project in SwiftUI - A simple bill splitting application SwiftUI Low
Wheel Of Fortune Github A small one page PWA app built to learn more about gestures and stuff made with React. React Low
Chat App GitHub A very simple chat app to understand sockets SocketIo Low
Cisco Meraki Dashboard Github A dashboard for cisco meraki cameras - SIH (smart india hackathon) 2020 Project React Med
IPL data visualizer Github A simple data visualizer with some IPL data to get more insight into charting React Med
Share Board Github A shared whiteboard app to learn sockets in HTML Canvas HTML, SocketIo Low
EmotionRecommender Github Playlist prediction based on your face expression - Fun React, Azure Low
Ks Institute Website A static webstite for my mom Gatsby Low
Corona Scrapper GitHub A simple reddit thread scrapper Python Low
Twitter News Scrapper GitHub One of my oldest projects and scrappers Python Low
DagaNews Github A clone of hackernews - Because everyone needs one clone project React Mid
StarWars GitHub A very small project to tinker with React Query - using star wars api React Low

Here are a list of some more small projects that I am planning to do for fun and to keep my knowledge up to date (some are done and urls are included in it) - Personal Projects List

My WakaTime Stats for this Week!

From: 29 June 2024 - To: 06 July 2024

TypeScript    11 hrs 53 mins  ████████████████████████▒   96.95 %
JavaScript    13 mins         ▒░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░   01.88 %
JSON          8 mins          ▒░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░   01.10 %
YAML          0 secs          ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░   00.06 %
Image (svg)   0 secs          ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░   00.01 %


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