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*RainMod for Minecraft*
RainMod is a transformative Minecraft mod that introduces realistic rain and water behaviors into the vanilla game, enhancing the immersive experience of gameplay. With RainMod, rain in Minecraft becomes not just a visual effect but a dynamic environmental factor that interacts with the world around the player.


Realistic Rain Generation

Dynamic Water Blocks: Water blocks are dynamically generated with a specific probability when it rains, adding to the realism of the game.

Randomized Placement: These water blocks appear at random positions within the chunks surrounding the player, ensuring a natural and unpredictable rain impact.

Persistent Generation: Water block generation continues throughout the duration of the rain, simulating accumulation and spreading of water.

Water Evaporation

Timed Evaporation: Once the rain stops, water blocks begin to evaporate after a pre-defined duration, mimicking natural water dissipation.

Configurable Probability: The evaporation process is random but configurable, with a default chance of 50%, allowing for a customizable environment.

Biome Integration

Biome-Specific Rain: Water blocks are generated only in biomes where rain is a natural phenomenon, enhancing the game's environmental fidelity.

Desert and Cold Biomes: In biomes where rain does not occur, such as deserts and cold regions, water blocks will not appear, maintaining ecological accuracy.

Configuration Commands

Customization: Players can customize the mod settings through specific commands, tailoring the rain and water behavior to their preferences.

/rainmod interval [ticks]: Sets the interval between water block generation (default: 10 ticks).

/rainmod chance [percentage]: Sets the probability of water block generation (default: 50%).

/rainmod evapchance [percentage]: Sets the probability of water block evaporation (default: 50%).

/rainmod evaptime [ticks]: Sets the duration between the end of rain and the start of water block evaporation (default: 600 ticks).

Performance-Conscious Design

Chunk-Based Management: By limiting water block management to a per-chunk basis, the mod minimizes memory usage and processing demands.

Fixed Tick Intervals: Generation and evaporation processes are executed at fixed intervals, ensuring minimal performance impact.

Experience a More Realistic Minecraft World

RainMod invites you to dive into a more realistic and immersive Minecraft world where rain and water behave as they would in the natural environment. Customize your experience, engage with dynamic weather effects, and explore the game in a whole new light.

Try RainMod today and elevate your Minecraft adventure!


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