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Repository files navigation



Core Features

Before Authentication

  • Home page
  • Login/Sign up page
    • Sign up/Sign in form
    • redirect to browse page
    • Guest Login
    • Goggle Authentication
    • Password show/hide

After Authentication

  • Browse

    • Header

    • Main movie page

      • Trailer in background
      • Title & description
      • Movie Suggestions
        • MovieList * N (in vertical scroll)
      • Get separate Movie Details
    • Add/Remove movies at Watch Later page

    • individual vedio trailer by clicking it

  • Netflix GPT

    • Search Bar
    • Movie Suggestion
    • Multi-Lingual support

Process & Planning for development

  • React
  • Tailwind-CSS
  • firebase
  • react-router-dom - Routing of App
  • Header
  • Login Form
  • Sign up Form
  • Login as guest
  • Goggle Authentication
  • Password show/hide
  • Form Validation
  • useRef Hook
  • Firebase Setup
  • Deploying our app to production
  • Create SignUp User Account
  • Implement Sign In user Api
  • Created Redux Store with userSlice - Redux tool kit
  • Implemented Sign out
  • Implemented Sign with Google
  • implement Protected routes
    • if the user is not logged in Redirect /browse to Login Page and vice-versa
  • Unsubscribed to the onAuthStateChanged callback
  • Get Data from TMDB now playing movies list API
  • Custom Hook for Now Playing Movies
  • Create nowPlayingSlice to store movies
  • Update Store with movies Data
  • Planning for MainContainer & secondary container
  • Fetch Data for Trailer Video
  • Update Store with Trailer Video Data
  • Embedded the Youtube video and make it autoplay and mute
  • Tailwind Classes to make Main Container look awesome
  • Build Secondary Component
  • Build Movie List
  • build Movie Card
  • TMDB Image CDN URL
  • Made the Browser page amazing with Tailwind CSS
  • Created Custom hooks
  • GPT Search Page
  • GPT Search Bar
  • Multi-language Feature in our App
  • Get Open AI Api Key
  • Gpt Search API Call
  • fetched gptMoviesSuggestions from TMDB
  • created gptSlice added data
  • Reused Movie List component to make movie suggestion container
  • Movie Details based on click on movie poster
  • Shimmer UI Effect to make interactive experience
  • Memoization
  • Added .env file
  • Adding .env file to gitignore
  • Made our Site Responsive