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Universal, lightweight rate limit library for Node.js, Cloudflare Workers, and more.


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Bite Limiter

⚠️ Work in progress, not published yet ⚠️

Universal, lightweight rate limit library for Node.js, Cloudflare Workers, and more.


  • Existing rate limiting solutions often lead to vendor lock-in or are limited to Node.js runtimes.
  • We wanted a simple and agnostic rate limiter, usable with Web API runtimes.
  • Implementing rate limiting should be uncomplicated, so devs can protect their apps with minimal setup.
  • Built for, designed for our stack, including Cloudflare Workers, SvelteKit, and Hono.


⚠️ Work in progress, not published yet ⚠️

pnpm add @kuizto/bite-limiter


import { BiteLimiter } from '@kuizto/bite-limiter'

const ratelimiter = new BiteLimiter({
  prefix: 'user', // Storage key prefix
  windowMs: 15 * 60 * 1000, // 15 minutes
  limit: 100, // Limit to 100 requests per `window` (here, per 15 minutes).
  // store: ... , // Durable Objects, Workers KV, etc. See below.

const { ok, remaining } = await ratelimiter.check(userId)

if (!ok) {
  throw new Error('rate limited')


Status Name Description Environment
⚠️ UpstashRedisStore Use Upstash Redis immediate consistency for rate limiting via REST API, suitable for all distributed environments. All
⚠️ DatabaseStore Use any Database to enforce rate limiting through Hook functions, ideal for distributed systems and adaptable to various databases and ORMs. All
⚠️ CloudflareDurableStore Use Cloudflare Durable Objects for strong consistency and isolation, ideal for stateful rate limiting at the edge. CF Workers only

✅ Ready to use. ⚠️ Work in progress.

Example: SvelteKit + Upstash Redis Store

// src/lib/rateLimiter.ts
const ratelimiter = new BiteLimiter({ 
  windowMs: 60 * 1000, // 1 minute
  limit: 1000, // Limit to 1,000 req per `window`
  store: new UpstashRedisStore({ url, token })

// src/hooks.server.ts
export const handle: Handle = async ({ event, resolve }) => {
  if (event.url.pathname.startsWith('/custom')) {
    return new Response('custom response')
  const limit = await ratelimiter.check(userId)
  if (!limit.ok) error(429);
  return await resolve(event)

Example: Hono + Cloudflare Durable Store

class_name = "BiteLimiterDurableObject"
// export durable object for binding with env.BITE_LIMITER
export { BiteLimiterDurableObject } from '@kuizto/bite-limiter'

// rate limiter using durable object
const ratelimiter = new BiteLimiter({ 
  limit: 50, // 50 req per sec
  store: new CloudflareDurableStore(env.BITE_LIMITER)

// hono middleware
const rateLimitMiddleware: MiddlewareHandler = async (c, next) => {x
  const userId = c.req.param('userId')
  const limit = await ratelimiter.check(userId)
  if (!limit.ok) {
    return c.text('too many requests', 429)
  await next()

// hono router
app.get("/api/:userId/operation", rateLimitMiddleware, myHandler)

Example: Drizzle SQLite + Database Store

// schema
export const RateLimiter = sqliteTable('RateLimiter', {
  key: text('key').notNull(),
  timestamp: integer('timestamp').notNull(),
}, (RateLimiter) => ({
  idx_rateLimiterkey: index('idx_rateLimiterkey').on(RateLimiter.key),
  idx_rateLimiter_timestamp: index('idx_rateLimiter_timestamp').on(RateLimiter.timestamp),
// drizzle orm
const sqlite = new Database('sqlite.db');
const db = drizzle(sqlite);

// rate limiter
const ratelimiter = new BiteLimiter({
  limit: 10, // 10 req per sec
  store: new DatabaseStore({
    async insertTimestamp(key, timestamp) {
      await db.insert(RateLimiter).values({ key, timestamp })
    async deleteTimestampsBefore(oldestValidTimestamp) {
      await db.delete(RateLimiter).where(lt(RateLimiter.timestamp, oldestValidTimestamp))
    async deleteAllTimestampsFor(key) {
     await db.delete(RateLimiter).where(eq(RateLimiter.key, key))
    async countValidTimestamps(key, oldestValidTimestamp) {
      const resp = await{ count: count() })
          eq(RateLimiter.key, key),
          gte(RateLimiter.timestamp, oldestValidTimestamp)
      return resp?.[0]?.count || 0

// main handler
export async function handler(event) {
  const limit = await ratelimiter.check()
  if (!limit.ok) {
    return {
      statusCode: 429,
      headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
      body: JSON.stringify(limit),
  return {
    statusCode: 200,
    headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
    body: JSON.stringify(limit),


Contributions and pull requests are welcome!


Kuizto — The Everyday Cooking App

Open-sourced under the MIT license.


Universal, lightweight rate limit library for Node.js, Cloudflare Workers, and more.








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