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DanNet is a WordNet for the Danish language. The goal of this project is to represent DanNet in full using RDF as its native representation at both the database level, in the application space, and as its primary serialisation format.

The initial dataset has been bootstrapped from the old DanNet 2.2 CSV files. The old CSV export mirrors the SQL tables of the old DanNet database. This process will eventually be made obsolete once the next version of DanNet has been published.


Special care has been taken to maximise the compatibility of this iteration of DanNet. Like the DanNet of yore, the base dataset of this iteration is published as both RDF and CSV; the CSV file now simply reflects the triples of the RDF representation.

Alternative and companion datasets

Apart from the base DaNet dataset, several alternative datasets exist that contain additional data.

This additional data can be implicitly inferred from the base dataset and its associated ontological metadata, but doing so can be both computationally expensive and mentally taxing for the consumer of the data. The alternative datasets provide a broader view of the data where implicit links to other ontologies have already been reified as triples within the dataset.

Published alongside DanNet are also companion datasets exist which link DanNet resources directly to other resources, e.g. the COR companion dataset that links DanNet resources to IDs from the COR project.


The previous version of DanNet was modelled as tables inside a relational database. Two serialised representations also exist: RDF/XML 1.0 and a custom CSV format. The latter now serves as input for the new data model, remapping the relations described in these files onto a modern WordNet based on the Ontolex-lemon standard combined with the various relations defined by the Global Wordnet Association as used in the official GWA RDF standard.

In Ontolex-lemon...

  • Synsets are analogous to ontolex:LexicalConcept.
  • Wordsenses are analogous to ontolex:LexicalSense.
  • Words are analogous to ontolex:LexicalEntry.
  • Forms are analogous to ontolex:Form.

alt text

By choosing these standards, we maximise DanNet's ability to integrate with other lexical resources, in particular with other WordNets.

Clojure support

In its native Clojure representation, DanNet can be queried in a variety of ways (described in It is especially convenient to query data from within a Clojure REPL.

Support for Apache Jena transactions is built-in and enabled automatically when needed. This ensures support for persistence on disk through the TDB layer included with Apache Jena (mandatory for TDB 2). Both in-memory and persisted graphs can thus be queried using the same function calls.

Furthermore, DanNet query results are all decorated with support for the Clojure Navigable protocol. The entire RDF graph can therefore easily be navigated in tools such as REBL or Reveal from a single query result.

Significant changes

New schema, prefixes, URIs

DanNet uses a new schema, available in this repository and eventually at

DanNet uses the following URI prefixes for the dataset instances and the schema:

These new prefixes/URIs take over from the ones used for DanNet 2.2:

Eventually, all of these new URIs should resolve, which is to say that accessing a resource with a GET request (e.g. through a web browser) should always return data for the resource (or schema) in question.


The main database that the new tooling has been developed for is Apache Jena, which is a mature RDF triplestore that also supports OWL. When represented inside Jena, the many relations of DanNet are turned into a queryable knowledge graph. The new DanNet is developed in the Clojure programming language (an alternative to Java on the JVM) which has multiple libraries for interacting with the Java-based Apache Jena, e.g. Aristotle and igraph-jena.

However, standardising on the basic RDF triple abstraction does open up a world of alternative data stores, query languages, and graph algorithms. See for more.

Earlier prototypes

For this project we have created a couple of prototypes demonstrating DanNet's viability as a queryable RDF graph. These proof-of-concept knowledge graphs demonstrate alternative ways to query the data while using the old RDF/XML export as the source:

  • A Neo4j implementation
    • Modelling DanNet as RDF inside Neo4j, while allowing for query results to be represented as Ubergraph data structures.
  • Two Apache Jena implementations


The code is all written in Clojure and it must be compiled to Java Bytecode and run inside a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). The primary means to do this is Clojure's official CLI tools which can both fetch dependencies and build/run Clojure code. The project dependencies are specified in the deps.edn file.

Resource dependencies

This project assumes that the ZIP-files containing DanNet 2.2 have been downloaded in advance and extracted into a subdirectory called "resources":

  • resources/dannet/csv: contains the old DanNet CSV file export. These are used to bootstrap the initial dataset. Eventually, this bootstrap code will be made obsolete by the release of new the DanNet dataset.
  • resources/dannet/rdf: contains the old DanNet RDF/RDFS/OWL file export. These are only used for the initial prototypes.

In addition, for some of the prototype code, version 2.0 of the Princeton WordNet is also needed:

  • resources/wordnet/rdf: contains the Princeton WordNet files.

JAXP00010001 error

When running both the Neo4j code or the updated Jena code in a more recent JVM, you will probably encounter this XML-related error message:

JAXP00010001: The parser has encountered more than "64000" entity expansions in this document; this is the limit imposed by the JDK.

To avoid this error, the JVM process should be run with the following JVM arg:


Memory usage

The total memory usage of the resulting graph can be estimated using clj-memory-meter which is available using the :mm Clojure CLI alias (defined in the deps.edn file).

Currently, the default OWL-enabled in-memory graph without any forward-chaining inference in cache takes up ~500 MB. After querying the graph for the triple [:dn/word-11007846 ?p ?o] to force more triples to materialize, the total memory usage jumps to ~520 MB.

To be able to evaluate (mm/measure graph), the JVM must be started with the following JVM option:


Querying DanNet

The easiest way to query DanNet currently is by compiling and running the Clojure code, then navigating to the namespace in the Clojure REPL. From there, you can use a variety of query methods as described in

At the moment, there is no graphical user interface available for querying DanNet - that is still to come! One option might be setting up Apache Jena Fuseki, which is a web-based application for querying Apache Jena using SPARQL. This requires either setting up DanNet as a persistent TDB database or creating as Fuseki instance from a published DanNet dataset.