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EmTaint, a novel static analysis tool for accurate and fast detection of taint-style vulnerabilities in embedded firmware. In EmTaint, we design a structured symbolic expression-based (SSE-based) on-demand alias analysis technique, which serves as a basis for resolving both implicit data flow and control flow on potential vulnerable paths. Based on it, we come up with indirect call resolution and accurate taint analysis scheme. Combined with sanitization rule checking, EmTaint can eventually discovers a large number of taint-style vulnerabilities accurately within a limited time.

Getting Started


EmTaint's execution environment depends on Angr, which we packaged as an docker image and published to the hub (NOTE: thare are some issues in uploading the large docker image file to zenodo, so we upload it to docker hub instead.). The source code for EmTaint is EmTaint.tar.gz. We can execute following commands to start the experiment verification. We suggest users to use Linux system as the host machine.

docker pull doneme123/emtaint:v1.1
tar -zxvf EmTaint.tar.gz
cd EmTaint
docker run -ti --rm -v `pwd`:/work doneme123/emtaint:v1.1
cd /work
workon EmTaint

Basic functionality

We run the following command to test indirect-call resolution and vulnerability detection for binary httpd in firmware R8000_v1.0.4.4.

bash ./firmware-binaries/

Estimated Time < 15min

Expected Output: The result will be saved in file R8000_v1_0_4_4.json in directory ./data/result_data/.

The basic functionality of EmTaint is evaluated from three aspects: vulnerability discovery, effectiveness and efficiency of indirect call resolution, and effectiveness in finding vulnerability with or without indirect call resolution.

Evaluation for vulnerability discovery

python ./data/result_data/R8000_v1_0_4_4.json alert

Expected Output: the result show the alerts produced by EmTaint for binary httpd in firmware R8000_v1.0.4.4.

Evaluation for Effectiveness and Efficiency of indirect call resolution

python ./data/result_data/R8000_v1_0_4_4.json icall

Expected Output: the result show the effectiveness and efficiency of indirect call resolution for binary httpd in firmware R8000_v1.0.4.4.

Evaluation for Effectiveness in finding vulnerability with or without indirect call resolution

python ./data/result_data/R8000_v1_0_4_4.json compare

Expected Output: the result show the effectiveness and necessity of indirect call resolution for finding vulnerabilities in embedded firmware.

Detailed Description

In Getting Started section, we only evaluate the EmTaint on one binary in a firmware image. In Detailed Description, we describe the evaluation of all claims as follows. For vulnerability discovery and indirect call resolution evaluation, we can evaluate it on all 35 firmware images by modifying shell script, where includes commands to evaluate 35 fimware images. We put 32 firmware-related binaries in directory firmware-binaries/. For example, the code in below will evaluate firmware RV130_v. for vulnerability discovery and indirect call resolution.

analyze_binary "rv130_v44/httpd" "rv130" "1_0_3_44"

Expected Output: The result will be saved in file rv130_1_0_3_44.json in directory ./data/result_data/.

In addition to the above methods, we can also run the following command to evaluate the functionality of EmTaint respectively.

# Indirect call resolution
python -f ./firmware-binaries/rv130_v44/httpd -n rv130 -v 1_0_3_44 -i

# vulnerability discovery with indirect call resolution
python -f ./firmware-binaries/rv130_v44/httpd -n rv130 -v 1_0_3_44 -t

# vulnerability discovery without indirect call resolution
python -f ./firmware-binaries/rv130_v44/httpd -n rv130 -v 1_0_3_44 -t --resolve_icall 0


If the user obtain another firmware, which is not involved in our dataset, you can follow the instructions to attemp to run it in EmTaint.

  1. Use tool binwalk ( to extract the binaries associated with handling network requests in the firmware.
  2. Extract the binary information by running script ./dataflow/ida_plugin/ in the IDA Pro, which generates two files, {binary-name}_cfg.json and {binary-name}_block_info.json.
  3. Create directory ./data/ida_data/{name}_{version} and copy the above two files to it.
  4. Finally, run command python -f {binary} -n {name} -v {version} -t to perform vulnerability discovery.


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