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Cypress test reporter for CircleCI based on mocha-junit-reporter. Helps with test parallelization.


  • Cypress 3.8.3 or newer


$ npm install cypress-circleci-reporter mocha --save-dev
$ yarn add cypress-circleci-reporter mocha --dev


After installing the reporter, you'll need to modify your config to use it:

CircleCI config example

  parallelism: 3        # or any other number that suits your needs
    # some previous steps

    - run:
        name: Run cypress tests
        command: yarn cypress run --spec "$(circleci tests glob "./cypress/integration/**/*.spec.js" | circleci tests split --split-by=timings | paste -sd "," -)" --reporter cypress-circleci-reporter

    - store_test_results:
        path: test_results
    - store_artifacts:
        path: test_results

First test run with this config should create and store reports for each test file. These will be used during next runs to determine timings of each test. CircleCI will then split the test files between available containers to speed up the process.

Configuration options

Options can be passed to the reported by adding --reporter-options parameter to the CLI command.

Example: --reporter cypress-circleci-reporter --reporter-options "resultsDir=./results/cypress,resultFileName=result-[hash]"

Parameter Default Effect
project undefined If you use Cypress' project parameter, this should be set to the same value.
resultsDir ./test_results/cypress Name of the directory that reports will be saved into.
resultFileName cypress-[hash] Name of the file that will be created for each test run. Must include [hash] string as each spec file is processed completely separately during each cypress run execution.