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Data Augumentation using Deep Convolutional GAN

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Data Augumentation using Generative Adversarial Networks

[email protected] University of Massachusetts, Amherst

[email protected] University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Modern day deep learning models require massive amounts of data to perform admirably and produce noteworthy results. To this end, we try to resolve this growing need for similarily distributed data and consequently the need for improved Data Augumentation techniques by employing the use of Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks (DCGANs). We produce new image sam- ples that have similar distributions to the original dataset but can be treated as completely new samples thereby addressing this lack of well distributed data. Our preliminary results show that this DCGAN-based Data Au- gumentation(DA) method can achieve promising performance improvement, when combined with classical DA, in haemorrhage detection and also in other medical imaging tasks. This study exploits Deep Convolutional GANs (DCGANs), a multi-stage generative training method, to gen- erate original-sized 32 x 32 Head CT images for convolutional neural network-based haemorrhage detection.


The challenge of obtaining massive amounts of data that is required by modern day deep learning models is one that has intrigued academicians for some time now. This problem is even more prevalent in the medical sphere, where ac- cess to high quality medical image datasets is challenging to say the least. Due to licensing and privacy concerns, the need for Data Augmentation in such a space is more necessary. Better training requires intensive Data Augmentation (DA) techniques, such as geometry/intensity transformations of original images. However, these transformed im- ages intrinsically have a similar distribution as the original ones, leading to limited performance improvement. Thus, generating realistic (i.e., similar to the real image distribution) but completely new samples is essential to fill the real image distribution uncovered by the original dataset. To fill the data lack in the real image distribution, we synthesize Head contrast-enhanced Computed Tomography (CT) images—realistic but completely different from the original ones using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). In this context, Generative Adversarial Networks based Data Augmentation(DA) have shown promise as it has shown excellent performances in computer vision, revealing good generalization ability, such as drastic improvement in eye- gaze estimation using SimGAN. [1] This study exploits Deep Convolutional GANs (DC- GANs), a multi-stage generative training method, to generate original-sized 32 x 32 Head CT images for convolu- tional neural network-based haemorrhage detection. This is quite challenging via other conventional GANs as we discuss below. Difficulties arise due to unstable GAN training with high resolution and a variety of haemorrhage in size, location and shape In medical imaging, realistic retinal image and Computed Tomography (CT) image generation have been tackled using adversarial learning and as a very recent research [10] reported performance improvement with synthetic training data in CNN-based liver lesion classification, using a small number of 64 x 64 CT images for GAN training. However, GAN-based image generation using CT, the most effective modality for soft-tissue acquisition, has not yet been reported due to the difficulties from low-contrast CT images, strong anatomical consistency, and intrasequence variability. Previous work [5] has shown that the generated 64 x 64/128 x 128 MR images using conventional GANs and an expert physician failed to accurately distinguish between the real/synthetic images. To generate such highly-realistic and original sized while maintaining clear haemorrhage/non-haemorrhage features using GANs, we first aim to generate GAN-based synthetic head CT images. This can be challenging as

  1. GAN training is unstable with high-resolution inputs and severe artifacts appear due to strong consistency in brain anatomy
  2. Haemorrhages in the Head CT images vary in size, lo- cation, shape, and contrast.

However, it is beneficial, because most CNN architectures adopt around 256 x 256 input sizes and we can obtain better performance with original-sized image augmentation.


Our approach to solve the growing need for large and ro- bust datasets is to make use of a Deep Convolutional Gen- erative Adversarial Network to generate original-sized 32 x 32 Head CT images for convolutional neural network- based haemorrhage detection that can be added to the given dataset to produce better results. Generative Adversarial Networks are actually two deep networks in competition with each other. Given a training set X (say a few thousand images), The Generator Network, G(x), takes as input a random vector and tries to produce images similar to those in the training set. A Discriminator network, D(x), is a binary classifier that tries to distinguish between the real images according the training set X and the fake images generated by the Generator. As such, the job of the Generator network is to learn the distribution of the data in X, so that it can produce real looking images and make sure the Discriminator cannot distinguish between images from the training set and images from the Generator. The Discriminator needs to learn keep up with the Generator try- ing new tricks all the time to generate fake images and fool the Discriminator. DCGANs work in a similar fashion ex- cept for the fact that they have 2 Convolutional Neural Net- works competing against each instead of neural networks. The our approach first involves pre-processing the im- ages of the given dataset in order to simplify the training of the DCGAN. The next step involves choosing appropriate architectures for the discriminator and generator in order to generate the best possible images. We make use of Convo- lutional Neural Network(CNN) architectures that are most commonly used for the CIFAR-10 dataset as the CIFAR- image resolution is the same as ours. We then train the DC- GAN on the preprocessed dataset making use of the chosen discriminator and generator architectures. Finally, we train a ResNet-50 in order to check the effectiveness of our ap- proach. Here we initially train the model with only the original dataset and take note of its accuracy and then we train it along with the images generated by the DCGAN. We expect to observe an increase in the accuracy when we make use of the augmented dataset.


Dataset Used

This project makes use of a CT Head scan dataset pro- vided by Kaggle. The dataset consists of 200 high resolu- tion images, 100 normal head CT slices and 100 other with hemorrhage. There is no distinction between kinds of hem- orrhages. Labels are on a CSV file. Each CT slice comes from a different person. We scaled down the images to 32 x 32 x 1 in order to make it easier to train and to reduce the training time of our model.

Proposed DCGAN-based Image Generation


Since each image in the dataset is only a single slice of a CT scan, we do not have to worry about omitting initial and final slices since all of the information is useful for training the DCGAN and ResNet-50. For haemorrhage detection, our whole dataset (200 patients) is divided into:

  • a training set (144 patients)
  • a validation set (34 patients)
  • a test set (22 patients)

Only the training set is used for the DCGAN training to be fair. The dataset images are hi-res but are scaled down to 32×32 pixels. Hence, training set’s images are zero- padded, 32×32 pixels for better DCGAN training. We also make sure that the input images are normalized before they are inputted into the DCGAN. DCGAN is a novel training method for GANs with a deeply convoluted generator and discriminator [8]: starting from low resolution, newly added layers model fine-grained details as training progresses. We adopt DCGANs to generate highly-realistic and original- sized 32×32 head CT images; haemorrhage/non- haem- orrhage images are separately trained and generated.

DCGAN Implementation details: We use a DCGAN architecture with the binary crossentropy loss using gradient penalty. The training goes on for 2500 epochs with a batch size of 16 and a learning rate of 0. and beta equal to 0.5 for the Adam optimizer. We make use of the LeakyRelu activation function except in the following cases:

  • The last layer of the discriminator uses a sigmoid acti- vation function.
  • The last layer of the generator makes use of the tanh activaton function.

This architecture is further expanded upon below. The discriminator of the DCGAN consists of a convolutional neural network with the following architecture:

- Reshape into image tensor (Use Unflatten!)
- Conv2D: 128 Filters, 3x3, Stride 1
- BatchNorm
- Leaky ReLU(alpha=0.01)
- Conv2D: 128 Filters, 3x3, Stride 1
- BatchNorm
- Leaky ReLU(alpha=0.01)
- Conv2D: 128 Filters, 3x3, Stride 1
- BatchNorm
- Leaky ReLU(alpha=0.01)
- Conv2D: 128 Filters, 3x3, Stride 1
- BatchNorm
- Leaky ReLU(alpha=0.01)
- Flatten
- Dropout(0.4)
- Fully Connected with output size 1

The discriminator has a total of 791,169 trainable parame- ters. The generator of the DCGAN is also a convolutional neural network with the following architecture:

- Fully connected with output size 128 x 16 x 16
- BatchNorm
    - LeakyReLU
    - Reshape 16 x 16 x 128
    - Conv2D: 128 Filters, 5x5, Stride 1
    - BatchNorm
    - Leaky ReLU(alpha=0.01)
    - Conv2Transpose: 128 filters of 4x4, stride 2, ’same’
    - BatchNorm
    - Leaky ReLU(alpha=0.01)
    - Conv2D: 128 Filters, 5x5, Stride 1
    - BatchNorm
    - Leaky ReLU(alpha=0.01)
    - Conv2D: 128 Filters, 5x5, Stride 1
    - BatchNorm
    - Leaky ReLU(alpha=0.01)
    - Conv2D: 128 Filters, 5x5, Stride 1
    - BatchNorm
    - Leaky ReLU(alpha=0.01)
    - TanH
    - Should have a 32x32x1 image

The generator has a total of 4,870,785 trainable parameters. Here we make use of the Conv2DTranspose for upsampling. We also make use of techniques like label inversion, real distributed noise etc. in order to improve the performance of the DCGAN. Once the model has finished training, it is saved as a .h5 file which we then use to generate the images that are used for the Data Augmentation(DA).
