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Hello Triangle Vulkan demo

This is a traditional Hello World style application for graphical APIs (for Vulkan in this case). It renders a RGB shaded equilateral triangle and shows Resource Sharing and compute by painting "Hello" message on top.

The code is quite flat and basic, so I think it's good enough for learning. No tutorial or even comments are provided though (comments do lie anyway 😏).

But I have tried not to cut corners making it. It contains proper error handling and I assume it is without errors 😇. It should perfectly adhere to the Vulkan spec e.g. it should do proper synchronization and do so in efficient way (as it was meant to be used).

  • TODO: check limits
  • TODO: make vertex buffer in best memory + investigate device memory alignment

Proper renderloop synchronization mini-tutorial

Well, people tend to ask this one over and over, so I will make an exception 😉:

You will probably have two semaphors: e.g. imageAcquired and renderingDone.

Let's cover it in sort of an execution order:

  1. You provide imageAcquired semaphore to the vkAcquireNextImageKHR to be signalled by it.

  2. You provide imageAcquired semaphore to the command buffer submit to be waited on. As a pWaitDstStageMask you provide the stage of your first write to the swapchain VkImage. Most often it will be VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OUTPUT_BIT (but could be different e.g. if you do MSAA or copy to the frame VkImage).

  3. In the command buffer you change the layout of the swapchain image (Pipeline Barriers, Events or Subpasses do that) from the present one ( use VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED as an old layout, which means "sacrifice data" — there's rarely ever need to read it after present ). For source stage choose the exact same one as in 2. and source access mask should be VK_ACCESS_MEMORY_READ_BIT. For efficient loop, destination stage should also be the same as in 2. and the new layout and destination access mask should be appropriate for whatever you plan to do (likely VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL and VK_ACCESS_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_WRITE_BIT).

  4. In the command buffer you change the layout of the swapchain image (Pipeline Barriers, Events or Subpasses do that) to the present one ( VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_PRESENT_SRC_KHR ). For source stage, old layout and source access mask choose whatever your last use of the swapchain image was. Destination stage should be VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_BOTTOM_OF_PIPE_BIT (i.e. non-blocking) and the destination access mask should be VK_ACCESS_MEMORY_READ_BIT.

  5. You provide renderingDone semaphore to the command buffer submit to be signalled.

  6. You provide renderingDone semaphore to the present command to be waited on.

  7. The circle is now complete! 😷


OS: Windows
Language: C++14
Environment: installed LunarG SDK
Environment: preferably installed Vulkan capable drivers
Environment: MS Visual Studio, Cygwin, MinGW (or IDEs running on top of them)

TODO: Adding VkSurface function for other OSes should be straightforward though. I would welcome if someone PR'd it (unless I do first 😄).


file description
HelloTriangle.cpp The app souce code including main function
VulkanEnvironment.h Includes vulkan.h and the necessary platform headers
LeanWindowsEnvironment.h Included by VulkanEnvironment.h and includes lean windows.h header
triangle.vert The vertex shader program in GLSL
triangle.frag The fragment shader program in GLSL
triangle.vert.spv triangle.vert pre-transcripted to SPIR-V for convenience
triangle.frag.spv triangle.frag pre-transcripted to SPIR-V for convenience


You can change the application configuration by simply changing following variables in HelloTriangle.cpp.

config variable purpose
debugVulkan Turns debug output and validation layers on
debugAmount Which kinds of debug messages will be shown
windowWidth The width of the rendered window
windowHeight The height of the rendered window
presentMode The presentation mode of Vulkan used in swapchain
clearColor Background color of the rendering
vertexShaderFilename The file with the SPIR-V vertex shader program
fragmentShaderFilename The file with the SPIR-V fragment shader program


In Cygwin you can build it e.g. thusly (for x64):

$ g++ -std=c++14 -Wall -m64 -mwindows -Wl,--subsystem,console -I$VULKAN_SDK/Include -oHelloTriangle HelloTriangle.cpp -L$WINDIR/System32 -lvulkan-1

In MinGW like so:

$ g++ -std=gnu++14 -Wall -m32 -mwindows -Wl,--subsystem,console -I$VULKAN_SDK/Include -oHelloTriangle HelloTriangle.cpp -L$VULKAN_SDK/Bin32 -lvulkan-1

In MS Visual Studio you can create Solution for it. You would add $(VULKAN_SDK)\Include to the the Additional Include Directories and $(VULKAN_SDK)\Bin\vulkan-1.lib (or Bin32 for x86) to the Additional Dependencies property. You may choose between windows or console subsystem in SubSystem property.


You just run it as you would anything else. You just need to make sure triangle.vert.spv and triangle.frag.spv files are visible to the binary (e.g. in the same folder).