This program will print the date as per user's requirement like 'next friday', 'previous monday', 'next week's sunday', etc...
The file '' is copied into your project's directry.
The file is then imported using the following statement:
from day import *
You can call the function 'get_weekdate' as following:
get_weekdate(day, day_type, referrence_date)
day - which day you want to get, sunday, monday, tuesday....
day_type - you need next week day, next week's week day, previous week day, previous week's week day
referrence_day - enter the referrence day in a fixed format as a string: 'yyyy-mm-dd', leave it empty to take today's date as referrence
get_weekdate('tuesday', 'next')
get_weekdate('SuNdAy', 'next_week', '2020-3-20')
get_weekdate('Saturday', 'pReviouS', '2001-5-1')
get_weekdate('Monday', 'pReviouS_weeK')
P.S: The text is not case sensitive. The date must be in proper format and the numbers must be saperated by '-'