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Fins FAQ

A simple page to track questions that are inevitably asked by viewers of IM John Bartholomew's chess streams, every single time.

You can view the page here: http:

More details

So, a little bird told me that this got posted on the r/chess subreddit. That's why I'm updating the readme with a little more details because there will be reddit folks who WILL look here in the repo, given the prominent github url.

Things to note:

  1. This is NOT representative of my work/coding skill. I made it super quickly one day because AntonSquaredMe joked on Twitter (hours before a scheduled stream) that a bunch of new fans will be asking John about his username Fins and his background chess piece, again. So I put together something simple we can link to people in chat, for the questions that literally get asked every time.
  2. That said, this has since become my little Jekyll learning playground since it was created. I went from not knowing much about it, to feeling like I can do many things with it! One day, it'll be cleaned up enough so that it is something I can be proud of :D
  3. Even though I started it, I want to give a huge shoutout to AntonSquaredMe who helped with adding questions, and cleaning up my content. Thanks buddy!
  4. Questions/comments/other? You can find me on twitter: @kozzi. Please be nice.


The initial Jekyll theme is courtesy of http:, though a lot of the layout has since been changed to better fit the needs of the FAQ.




  • CSS 70.2%
  • HTML 24.7%
  • JavaScript 5.1%