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Fibo Kowalsky edited this page Nov 4, 2020 · 4 revisions

Introduction to Natural Tableau and implementation and description of the Natural Tableau-based theorem prover LangPro. Performance of LangPro on the SICK and FraCaS datasets. Using abduction to learn from data.

Proposal to use a tableau system for natural logic:

CCG parsers, EasyCCG and C&C, for English compatible with LangPro:

  • M. Lewis & M. Steedman (2014): A* CCG Parsing with a Supertag-factored Model. EMNLP.
  • M. Honnibal, J. R. Curran, and J. Bos (2010): Rebanking CCGbank for Improved NP Interpretation. ACL (48).
  • S. Clark and J. R. Curran (2007): Wide-Coverage Efficient Statistical Parsing with CCG and Log-Linear Models. Computational Linguistics, 33(4).

WordNet which is used as a lexical knowledge database in the prover:

  • Ch. Fellbaum eds. (1998): WordNet: an Electronic Lexical Database. MIT press.

The FraCaS and SICK textual entailment datasets which are use for evaluating the theorem prover:

  • Cooper, R., Crouch, D., Eijck, J. V., Fox, C., Genabith, J. V., Jaspars, J., Kamp, H., Milward, D., Pinkal, M., Poesio, M., Pulman, S., Briscoe, T., Maier, H., and Konrad, K. (1996). FraCaS: A Framework for Computational Semantics. Deliverable D16.
  • The FraCaS problems converted in xml by B. MacCartney.
  • Marelli, M., Menini, S., Baroni, M., Bentivogli, L., Bernardi, R., and Zamparelli, R. (2014b). A sick cure for the evaluation of compositional distributional semantic models. LREC'14.
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