P2SN is a Peer to Peer, encrypted Socket Network written in python. P2SN uses asymmetric/public key encription (RSA) for all* communication between the two peers. P2SN uses Base64 (with the '+' and '/' characters) to encode and decode everything**.
*: Everything, except PUBKEY, pubkey, ERRORKEY, and NULL.
**: Everything, except PUBKEY, ERRORKEY, and NULL
You can read the official P2SN standard in the standard.md
participant SERVER
participant CLIENT
CLIENT->>SERVER: What's your public key?
SERVER->>CLIENT: It's 12642607...
SERVER->>CLIENT: What's your public key?
CLIENT->>SERVER: It's 12642607...
b"..." means a bytes string. \x04 marks the end of the message, ASCII code 4. [KEYCHECK] is simply used for checking if the peer received the right key correctly. The bytes b"P2SN:KEYCHECK" are encrypted. [ERRORKEY] is b"P2SN:ERRORKEY"
The client and the server must have a public, and a private RSA key. Minimum recommended keysize: 1024 bits.
- Client connects to server.
- Client sends b"P2SN:PUBKEY\x04"
- Server sends its public key saved with pkcs1 PEM encoded with Base64 + b"\x04"
- Client sends encrypted [KEYCHECK] encoded with Base64 + b"\x04"
- If error happens, server replies with [ERRORKEY] + b"\x04"
- Server sends b"P2SN:PUBKEY\x04"
- Client sends its public key saved with pkcs1 PEM encoded with Base64 + b"\x04"
- Server sends encrypted [KEYCHECK]
- If error happens, client does nothing.
The client must be initialized. The client is initialized if its connected to the server, and the key exchange successfully happened (see above).
- Client sends message encrypted with the server's public key, encoded with Base64 + b"\x04"
- Server replies with message encrypted with the client's public key, encoded with Base64 + b"\x04"