Hello, I'm Rafael!
I have a strong background in economics and data science.
I am currently pursuing a MicroMasters in Statistics and Data Science from MIT, further enhancing my expertise in the field. I have a solid educational foundation from FGV – EPGE and extensive experience using various software tools and programming languages for data analysis.
My expertise encompasses economic analysis, machine learning, and full-stack development.
- software:
- Python, MongoDB, SQL, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, R, Tableau, Apache Airflow, Microsoft Office
- language:
- Fluent in English and Portuguese (native)
- Advanced Spanish
- 2023: Machine Learning using TensorFlow with Professor Artur Andre Almeida de Macedo Oliveira (USP)
- 2020: Quantitative Finances, using Statistical Analysis of Financial Data coursework, in R, with Professor Rodrigo Targino (FGV)
- 2019: Fundamentals of Marketing Analytics using Machine Learning with Professor Fabio Caldieraro (FGV)
- 2018: Python project with DBSCAN to analyze the impact of the Federal Intervention in Rio de Janeiro's security, using public data, with Professor Jorge Poco (FGV)
- Big Data Hackathon (Sep/2021) – XP Inc. & Microsoft Azure
- Delivered a group work of a big data (14GB+) application using Azure.
- 2nd Place in the Cryptocurrency Datathon (Sep/2020) – FGV & Ripple
- Utilized ML strategies to predict cryptocurrency trading and applied NLP techniques for decision-making. Also there is a Youtube video with my presentation of the project available in this repository.
Feel free to connect with me and explore my repositories for more projects and contributions, at my LinkedIn profile.