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A DirectX 11 based boid flocking simulation.

Features And Notes

  • Requires DirectX 11
  • Requires shader model 5.0 or higher.
  • Normal map painting via realtime height map sampling.
    • Boids will collide with brush strokes.
    • No inter frame interpolation (fast movements can leave spotty strokes).
    • Also works as a voronoi cell painter (with very high brush size).
  • Boid/Physics simulation
    • Simulation unit scale is in pixels.
    • Simulate up to 16,000 boids at once (for an average fps of 120 on test machine).
      • Could be increased but for ui design reasons this was an ok cap.
    • Runtime configuration to change boid simulation settings.
    • Runtime configuration to change physics simulation settings.
  • Input
    • Q: Repel boids.
    • W: Restart Simulation.
    • E: Attract boids.
    • Left mouse button: brush paint.

Source File Appendix

  • RootRenderer
    • Executes the render and simulation loop.
    • Creates and holds reference of runtime graphics resources.
  • SH_CS_BoidCompute
    • Responsible for core boid simulation logic.
    • DirectX11 Compute Shader.
    • CSBoidMain kernel executes boid simulation on the gpu with 32 items per thread group.
  • SH_IMG_Drawing
    • Screen space shader for normal map painting.
    • Outputs to an accumulative drawing buffer.
    • renders a 2D signed distance field where only positive values are visible.
      • normals are calculated by sampling the field around the active pixel.
  • SH_PROC_BoidMesh
    • Procedurally generates quads out of boid instances.
    • Transforms boids from screen space to clip space.
  • UIUtilities
    • UI Utility classes and interfaces.
  • UISetting
    • UI ISetting interface implementation for setting instantiation.
  • UIHandler
    • Handles UI logic and toggles user input.
    • Acts as an interface between RootRenderer and UISetting.


A DX11 Compute shader Boid Flocking Particle simulation








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