This is a core rails API starter project accompanied with examples of a couple of concepts we like to use in our Rails projects. It's meant to be used as a template (meaning when you start a new repository on Github, you select this repository as the "template" to use). With it you get a barebones rails api setup (initialized with the --api
flag during generation), using postgres for DB and a couple of gems we like to use plus samples of Actions, Validations, OpenAPI definitions and such, to make it easier when starting a new project from scratch instead of having to think what to do.
- 📐 MVC
- ☝️ Actions (so you don't put it all in any of the MVC components)
- 🔐 Auth
- 🗂️ Serialization
- 🛡️ Validations
- 📝 OpenAPI
- 📦 Dockerized
The project is meant as a backend-only rails API, and as such the "view" in MVC in this case means having JSON responses, not actual templates. Or rather, any front-end framework handling the viewing whichever way you like.
The other parts of MVC, the Model and Controller -- they're both meant to be skinny., which is why we're making extensive use of Actions and Validators, to make them clean and make them contain as little as possible.
What are Actions and how to use them
Auth is implemented with JWT, w/o Devise (out of the box, but you can add it if you want).
Implemented with blueprinter. Click the link for more info.
Default validations are sitting in app/services/validations
What is OpenAPI and how to use it
We're using rswag. The explorer sits over at /spec
. You write a spec for your controller, along with typed payloads and responses, and then you run make swagger
to have the latest and greatest API spec available over at /spec/openapi.json
or via the explorer page on /spec
We like Ruby for its elegance and almost natural-like syntax and expresiveness.
Install VSCode rdbg
Run the
Debug Rails
task -
Enjoy inline VS Code debugging with breakpoints and everything
rbenv install 3.2.2 #to get the latest version of ruby
gem install bundler # to get bundler installed
bundle # install dependencies
rails db:create # create database
make migrate
make dev
make dev
make test #all tests
make test:swag
make test:unit #services
make migrate
make swagger
Any other additions are welcome! Just open up a PR or an issue!