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ImgProxy -- Python library to build ImgProxy URLs

Tests Status PYPI Version Python Versions


  • Generates URLs urls
  • Support for signing urls
  • URL's Factories with predefined params

Table of Contents


  • python >= 3.7


imgproxy should be installed using pip:

$ pip install imgproxy


    from imgproxy import ImgProxy

    # Create ImgProxy object with required params
    img_url = ImgProxy('', proxy_host='', width=800, height=400)

    # Convert the obj to string to get imgproxy URL
    cover: str = str(img_url)

    # or just call it to get imgproxy URL
    cover: str = img_url()

    assert cover == ''

    # Call the object with different params to customize the url
    cover_small: str = img_url(width=400, height=200, resizing_type='fill')

    assert cover_small == ''

    # Call it with advanced params to get an URL
    cover_with_border = img_url('pd:10:10:10:10', 'bg:F00')
    assert cover_with_border == ''


Basic options (default values):

  • width: int = 0 - images width
  • height: int = 0 - images height
  • gravity: str = 'ce' - images gravity
  • enlarge: bool = False - enlarge an image
  • extension: str = '' - images extension
  • resizing_type: str = 'auto' - resizing type
    from imgproxy import ImgProxy

    img_url = ImgProxy('', proxy_host='')
    thumbmail = img_url(width=100, height=100, gravity='no', extension='jpg', enlarge=True, resizing_type='fit')

Any other options are also supported when you call an imageproxy instance:

    from imgproxy import ImgProxy

    img_url = ImgProxy('', proxy_host='')

    # Get rotated and blured image
    blured_rotated = img_url('blur:0.5', 'rotate:30')

Signed URLs

Imgproxy allows you to sign your URLs with key and salt, so an attacker won’t be able to cause a denial-of-service attack by requesting multiple different image resizes.

    from imgproxy import ImgProxy

    url = ImgProxy('', proxy_host='', key="aa396160c50ea766910eab53", salt="b3fb8f215827bda5d0e7313d")

    assert str(url) == ''

If you need a random key/salt pair real fast, you can quickly generate it using, for example, the following snippet:

    echo $(xxd -g 2 -l 64 -p /dev/random | tr -d '\n')

Image factories

Usually imgproxy host and signature params are common for a project. The library supports a method to generate a factory with predefined params:

    from imgproxy import ImgProxy

    img_factory = ImgProxy.factory(proxy_host='', key="aa396160c50ea766910eab53", salt="b3fb8f215827bda5d0e7313d")

    # ...

    # Generate image URL
    url = img_factory('', width=600)
    assert str(url) == ''

Users able to predifine any basic params:

    thumbnail_factory = ImgProxy.factory(proxy_host='', width=300, height=200)
    preview_factory = ImgProxy.factory(proxy_host='', width=500, resizing_type='fit')

    # and etc

Advanced params are also supported:

    thumbnail_factory = ImgProxy.factory('bg:F00', 'pd:10:10:10:10', proxy_host='', width=300, height=200)


  • 2021-11-08: [1.0.0]

    • Support python 3.10
    • Support advanced options in factories
  • 2021-09-14: [0.4.0]

    • Support python 3.7
    • Basic format has been removed (it's depricated in ImgProxy)
  • 2021-04-02: [0.2.3] Stable release

Bug tracker

If you have any suggestions, bug reports or annoyances please report them to the issue tracker at


Development of the project happens at:


Licensed under a MIT License


Python support for ImgProxy image processing server (







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