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Track i3 window focus, store it in sqlite3 and create neat graphics.

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Track yo'self 2

This set of programs tracks your i3 window focus and stores it in an sqlite3 file-backed database.

This project is the successor project of klaxa/tracking.


tracking is meant to be running at all times. It queries i3 through i3-msg every 10 seconds and stores the focused window's information in the database. You can simply add it with exec /path/to/tracking in your i3 configuration file.

The location of the database defaults to tracking.db in the current directory. This value can either be set with the -d flag or by setting the environment variable TRACKING_DB to the path you wish to use.

An optional locking-file to decide if the current data should be recorded as an idle state can be defined with the environment variable TRACKING_IDLE_FILE and defaults to /tmp/tracking-idle. The included script res/ acts as a display and button for i3blocks and displays a red dot when the data is being recorded without the idle flag and a pause symbol when the data is being recorded with the idle flag. Clicking the block deletes the lock file if it exists and creates it if it doesn't, effectively toggling between idle and non-idle states.

Included also are systemd timer and service files to easily backup the tracking database on a daily basis. This is useful for example to make a copy to a synced folder like nextcloud to keep backups without writing to the server constantly. These files are res/backup-tracking-db.timer and res/backup-tracking-db.service respectively. To expose these, create the directory ~/.config/systemd/user/ if it doesn't already exist and copy the timer and service files into it after modifying the paths and times to your needs. To enable the timer run:

systemctl --user daemon-reload
systemctl --user enable backup-tracking-db.timer

To compile the programs, simply clone the repository and run cargo build or cargo build --release.

gen_graph creates daily graphs of the tracked data including some statistics.

The following usage message can also be obtained by running gen_graph -h:

Usage: gen_chart [OPTIONS]

  -d, --database <DATABASE>  The database to connect to, defaults to 'tracking.db' can also be set with TRACKING_DB environment variable
  -s, --start <START>        The start date in the format YYYY-MM-DD, defaults to today
  -e, --end <END>            The end date in the format YYYY-MM-DD, defaults to today
  -t, --today                Only generate graph for the start date
  -w, --week                 Only generate graph for the week containing start date
  -m, --month                Only generate graph for the month containing start date
  -i, --idle                 Inlcude idle time in graph
      --height <HEIGHT>      Height of the 24 hour portion of the graph, defaults to 500 px [default: 500]
  -h, --help                 Print help
  -V, --version              Print version

Example chart:


screentime uses the same combination of either using the -d flag, the envirnment variable or the fallback of tracking.db in the current directory and outputs the screentime for the current day with the top 3 types of programs and their corresponding screentime. Using the -s flag, a different start time from 0:00 can be chosen. The output of this program is suited for use in i3blocks.

The following configuration for screentime and res/ can b used and is also found in res/i3blocks.snippet.conf:

command=/path/to/screentime -d /path/to/tracking.db -s 6:00

command=/path/to/ $button

Example i3blocks outputs:

When not idle the red dot alternates between bright and dark red:


When idle the displayed symbol is a solid pause icon:



Track i3 window focus, store it in sqlite3 and create neat graphics.






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