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Arduino Brew Timer and Temperature Display for LaMarzocco Linea Mini espresso machine


  • STM32 BluePill (generic STM32F103C8) with Arduino Framework

Extension modules and peripherials used:

  • SSD1306 OLED display, I2C - optional, please see source code for feature switch (SSD1306_ENABLED)
  • ILI9340 TFT display, SPI and 8 bit data - optional, please see source code for feature switch (ILI9340_ENABLED)
  • reed switch, sensing magnet valve sc
  • INA219 voltage and current sensor, I2C

Libraries used:

  • SSD1306Ascii by Bill Greiman - Copyright (c) 2019, Bill Greiman
  • Adafruit INA219 by Adafruit - Copyright (c) 2012, Adafruit Industries
  • MCUFRIEND_kbv - Copyright (c) 2020, David Prentice

BluePill pinout connections

Wiring of reed switch:

  • PB3
  • GND

Wiring of I2C devices (INA219, SSD1306):

  • SDA - PB11 (I2C2 used due to pins required for ILI9340 TFT)
  • SCL - PB10 (I2C2 used due to pins required for ILI9340 TFT)

Wiring of ILI9340:

  • LCD pins==>|D7 |D6 |D5 |D4 |D3 |D2 |D1 |D0 | |RD |WR |RS |CS |RST| Not in use: |SD_SS|SD_DI|SD_DO|SD_SCK|
  • STM32 pins>|PA7|PA6|PA5|PA4|PA3|PA2|PA1|PA0| |PB0|PB6|PB7|PB8|PB9| Not in use: |PA15 |PB5 |PB4 |PB3 | (ALT-SPI1)


  • VSCode
  • Platform.IO
  • STM32duino (Arduino firmware for STM32)

Copyright (c) 2021, Robert Klajko

BSD license, all text here must be included in any redistribution.