code accompanying "DeepBach: a Steerable Model for Bach Chorales Generation" paper
Fluentd filter plugin to cast record types
Lint jsp files looking for unclosed tags.
Textile package for the Atom editor.
Build script for making Centos/Debian packages for kibana
A Java library which provides a suite hamcrest matchers for matching dates, times, and moments in time
This repository is deprecated. Go to fluentd-docs-gitbook repository.
Fluentd output plugin to geolocate with geoip.
🔬 A Ruby library for carefully refactoring critical paths.
zh / redmine_importer
Forked from leovitch/redmine_importerRedmine importer that works with trunk.
OAuth provider plugin for Redmine with implementation of oauth-plugin
WebDriver wrapper library for Kotlin(inspired by geb)