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...tries to be elastic HTTP server based on Apache HttpComponents. Allows to setup HTTP server that listens for requests in a few lines:

        .run() //blocks current thread

The customRequestConsumer instance needs only to implement the following method:

    void consumeRequest(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response);

The ElastHttpD builder is pretty flexible. Most of the aspects are preconfigured so you don't need to setup them. Even listening port is not required as the below code:


will start HTTP server in the background on: 18181 port defined by NetworkConfigurationBuilder.DEFAULT_LISTEN_PORT.

How to see it in action ?

Remember that this HTTP server is pretty flexible and it tends to be more programmable than complete so please don't expect file based HTTP server or any special built-in behavior for serving virtual hosts.

To see that it actually do the job just run:

    ./gradlew run

in the README file directory to be able to see dummy pre-programmed response for default configuration -- use any browser and enter the following URL on which the server listens by default.


You should see dummy response from so called "dummy" request consumer.

How to see it more in action ? ...based on file server

For file server functionality you need to use built-in plugin called fileServer. There is a default runner for Gradle that by default serves the project directory (it's the root webserver directory).

To browse project files via server just run:

    ./gradlew clean test jacocoTestReport runFileServer

and try to access:


You should be able to see this project unit test coverage report. You should also be able to click on different links.

If you would like more interactive behavior there is a second demo...

The fully interactive demo for file server plugin

There is a HTML/JS form that allows to PUT/GET/DELETE any file. Just invoke:

     ./gradlew runFullFileServer

Please note the difference between runFullFileServer and runFileServer. Please use the above URL:


The idea behind...

The goal of that server is to easily bootstrap fully-fledged HTTP server that can mock many external services responding to a different test related requests.

It can be also used to check behavior of HTTP client under test to simulate different broken responses or outages.

Quick learning curve for starting HTTP server in the foreground and in the background can make life easier when external dependencies are needed. They can be just created on the spot by test itself on the same machine/the same JVM the test is invoked.

Pluggable behavior of server. Infinite possibilities...

The server supports pluggable architecture of request consumers so you can do with them whatever you like - in example you can share directories and files from server machine using built-in file server plugin functionality.

Instead of using customRequestConsumer passing handler class you need to decalre correct plugin builder.

See the real life example that works:


The fileServer() and currentDirectory() methods come from:


...and this plugin it's built into server core functionality.

You can write your own extensions and plugins (see fileServer plugin for reference how to write them) and compose or nest them in each other to achieve what you would like to see.

Imagine virtual host plugin that can be used for each domain or path differently composing fileServer plugins in a different way.

The idea under the hood... How to develop ?

Please run: ./gradlew clean test for compilation and running all the unit and integration tests.

You should be able to find the high-level integration specifications and tests to discover how it works and how it can be used.

For the code test coverage use the command: ./gradlew clean test jacocoTestReport

For other tasks refer to: ./gradlew tasks.

The next step

Operating directly on HttpRequest and HttpResponse seems to be a bit too low-level for easy and clean mocking.

Especially for mocking HTTP server that tries to be a simple implementation of complicated 3rd party service it would be the best to use facade and builders to react only to some interesting HTTP request in terms of HttpMethod, URI path or HTTP headers.

Also the most important in terms of responding to requests is letting to easily build JSON, XML or binary stream to be able to respond to typical REST or other API structure.

What can be also interesting is a possibility to pass results of HTTP server expectation so whether HTTP client requested properly for a series of response.

In general the final solution is too let you quickly build significant number of scenarios for which some expectations will be defined and the report for such server session could be built.

This can be now achieved writing dedicated plugin that will handle such expectation as a part of builder pattern.

Why not just normal HttpServer ?

The core is so flexible that there is a still possibility to add new plugins that for some URLs/methods and virtual hosts (like Host) could offer web file-related server by activating supplied plugin.

The main purpose is to offer the base for HTTP server and the rest should be swappable (serving files, microservices, proxies etc).

Obviously the central point of this webserver is the ElastHttpD builder where you can compose and build/nest differnet plugins.

Things to be done...

  • MAJOR: FileServer plugin: write files to temporary upload server space instead to target location directly
  • MAJOR: FileServer plugin: implement directory listing as HttpDireectoryRequestConsumer
  • MINOR: core: write ElastHttpD setting to accept unknown methods into plugins (for purposes of WebDAV plugin)
  • MAJOR: core: cleaner shutdown of thread executors (using registering)
  • MINOR: commons: configurable response templates (i.e. HTML or XML/JSON)
  • MAJOR: FileServer plugin: extended POST request handling for multi-part form data