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Tic-TacScope Overview

As a part of the test task, you need to develop a simple JavaScript application – an online tictac-toe game (business requirements):

When a user opens a page, (s)he sees a screen for waiting of a second player. On the screen (s)he sees a link which needs to be sent to the second player. Having opened the invitation link in browser, the second player sees a game screen. The first player is sent to the game screen as well. The player who sent the invitation link plays first. Players play turn by turn. The game process should be accompanied by a simple animation and, possibly, by sounds. In the end of the game the results must be displayed on the screen. Several pairs of players can play at the same time. Your solution should (specific technical requirements):

 be well commented

 use OOP practices

 use node.js for the server side

 use for communication between the client and the server

 use sound manager for the sound effects

 use React JS for UI


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