A sample Android native app that shows a list of beers using the Punk API. The app is based on Android developers architecture developed with Jetpack Compose.
The app follows an implementation of mudularazition by features:
- Features
- detail, it shows the detail page
- home, it shows the main page
- Libraries
- beer, it exposes the information related beers and takes care of managing online and offline logic
- navigator, it provides a way to navigate between pages
- ui, it contains Compose theme configuration
This app is mentioned in the following articles:
- Android app modularization with Clean Architecture
- Android: Single Source Of Truth Strategy (Offline-First)
- A custom pagination in Compose — An alternative to the Android Paging Library
- The network API requests are made using Retrofit and the data are stored with Room
- The Dependency Injection module is based on Hilt
The Gradle build is implemented with Gradle’s Kotlin DSL, an alternative syntax to the traditional Groovy DSL.
Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com