fast and furious
- Powershell 7.0 for parallelizing work
- Powershell 7.2 for ANSI escape sequences
- xterm-based terminal
.\pingonator.ps1 -net network [-begin count] [-end count] [-exclude ips] [-count count] [-resolve] [-mac] [-vendor] [-latency] [-grid] [-file] [-ports ports] [-color] [-progress] [-help]
Options | Explanation | Default value |
-net network | Network(s) to scan. Required. Comma or dash delimited. Like 192.168.0 or 192.168.0-6,10.10.0 | |
-begin count | First number to scan [1..254] | 1 |
-end count | Last number to scan [1..254] | 254 |
-exclude | Exlude hosts from check (comma or dash delimited) [0..255,0..255,0..255-0..255] | |
-count count | Number of echo request to send [1..4] | 1 |
-resolve | Disable resolve of hostname | False |
-mac | Disable resolve of MAC address | False |
-vendor | Disable resolve of vendor | False |
-latency | Hide latency | False |
-grid | Output to a grid view | False |
-file | Export to CSV file | False |
-ports | Detect open ports (comma or dash delimited) [0..65535,0..65535,0..65535-0..65535] | |
-color | Colors off | False |
-progress | Progress bar off | False |
-help | Help screen. No options at all to have the same. | False |
.\pingonator.ps1 -net 10.10.0 -begin 20 -end 140 -exclude 1,23,41-49 -count 2 -resolve -mac -latency -grid -file -ports 20-23,25,80 -color -progress -help
.\pingonator.ps1 -net 10.10.0 -begin 20
.\pingonator.ps1 -net 10.10.0