A JSON Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) implementation for Common Lisp.
(defvar *key* (ironclad:ascii-string-to-byte-array "my$ecret"))
(defvar *token*
(jose:encode :hs256 *key* '(("hello" . "world"))))
;=> "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJoZWxsbyI6IndvcmxkIn0.Vr0VKL9WHX9lUPWzrE0DX4fEvl0_CgnKlzI2mWiro8E"
(jose:decode :hs256 *key* *token*)
;=> (("hello" . "world"))
; (("alg" . "HS256") ("typ" . "JWT"))
;; Decoding without signature verification.
(jose:inspect-token *token*)
;=> (("hello" . "world"))
; (("alg" . "HS256") ("typ" . "JWT"))
; #(142 123 175 222 84 4 134 19 70 182 50 209 29 113 176 40 82 42 241 90 230 91
; 176 235 254 57 221 93 97 220 6 101)
For RSA algorithm, the key must be an instance of Ironclad public/private key, that can be generated with ironclad:generate-key-pair
To read from OpenSSH key files, use cl-ssh-keys. To parse ASN.1 keys, asn1 library will help.
;; Generate a new key pairs with Ironclad
(defvar *private-key*
(ironclad:generate-key-pair :rsa :num-bits 2048))
;; Or, read a private key file generated by OpenSSH
(defvar *private-key*
(ssh-keys:parse-private-key-file #P"~/.ssh/id_rsa"))
(defvar *token*
(jose:encode :rs256 *private-key* '(("hello" . "world"))))
- HS256
- HS384
- HS512
- RS256
- RS384
- RS512
- PS256
- PS384
- PS512
- none
- Eitaro Fukamachi ([email protected])
Copyright (c) 2017 Eitaro Fukamachi ([email protected])
Licensed under the BSD 2-Clause License.