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django_infopush is a Django reusable app, that allows to gather push subscriptions and send web push notifications to browsers.

It is a full featured reusable app which includes:

  • frontend & backend code which gathers push subscriptions and saves them to DB,
  • service worker to show notifications, manage clicks and basic notification statistics,
  • django admin interface where you create new push tasks (title, text, icon, url, image, time to send) and view stats for the old ones,
  • django management command to perform your tasks (send notifications to subscribers).

This app covers 99% webpush needs for content web-sites than you just want to send an announcement of a new blog post for example. Just make a new push task in the admin and job is done.

Known limitations:

  • You better have access to CRON on your server, because push tasks are send using python pushsend management command. And running it manually every time sounds like a bad idea. Although for testing purposes manual calls will do well.

Quick start

  1. pip install django-infopush

  2. Add "django.contrib.humanize" (if not in INSTALLED_APPS already) and "commonstuff", "push" to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this:

        # ...
  3. Enable sites framework in Django, see official docs.

  4. Configure django_infopush in your project file. At least your DJANGO_INFOPUSH_VAPID_PUBLIC_KEY and DJANGO_INFOPUSH_VAPID_PRIVATE_KEY (you can simply generate them here).

    You also have to set DJANGO_INFOPUSH_VAPID_ADMIN_EMAIL with your site admin or support address, so that push-server administration can reach you if something goes wrong.


    DJANGO_INFOPUSH_VAPID_ADMIN_EMAIL = '[email protected]'

    See docs/SETTINGS.rst for more.

  5. If project uses MySQL, make sure it's version is 5.7.7 or greater and add the following line to project's

    SILENCED_SYSTEM_CHECKS = ['mysql.E001']

    See docs/MYSQL.rst for details.

  6. Run python migrate to create push models.

  7. Include URLconf in your project like this:

    from django.urls import re_path, include
    from django.conf import settings
    from django.views.generic import TemplateView
    from django.views.decorators.cache import cache_page
    urlpatterns = [
        # ...
        re_path(r'^push/', include('push.urls')),
        re_path(r'^service-worker.js$', cache_page(1 if settings.DEBUG else 86400)(TemplateView.as_view(
            content_type='application/javascript; charset='+settings.DEFAULT_CHARSET,
        )), name='service-worker.js'),
  8. Add {% include 'push/_head_include.html' %} into head-section of your django-project's html template(s). Do not include it on the pages where you don't want to see push-subscribe browser window. Visit your website to become first subscriber (currently Chrome and FF support webpush, not Safari).

  9. Visit http: to create first push task.

  10. CRON setup for python pushsend management command (every 5-10 minutes). You can also run this command manually for testing purposes.

  11. (OPTIONAL) Run python test push for basic check of the app.