Minecraft Paper server RPG library for 1.19 (Paper only I believe)
Grab the latest jar from the releases, drop it in your /libs folder, and add it as a compileOnly dependency.
dependencies {
Replace VERSION with the version of your downloaded jar. (You will also need the plugin running on your server)
Example plugin:
public class ExampleAddon extends JavaPlugin {
public void onEnable(){
StatManager.register(new SmiteStat(), List.of(RpgActivateStatEvent.class)); //has to be registered or else it will not work
public class SmiteStat extends Stat {
public RpgObject elementToStatCheck(Event event){
return ((RpgActivateStatEvent)event).getParent(); //Gets the object that has the stat thats being activated
public void run(Event event){ //the code to be run when the stat is eligible to run
RpgActivateStatEvent activateEvent = (RpgActivateStatEvent) event;
if(activateEvent.getTarget() instanceof RpgEntity target) { //target could be item or entity
target.damage(DamageType.Thunder, level * 3);
public float getManaCost(){ //Set the mana cost of activating this stat
return 5;
main: io.github.kidofcubes.ExampleAddon
name: ExampleAddon
version: 0.0.1
description: A example plugin
api-version: 1.19
depend: [RpgPlugin]
Now to add the SmiteStat to something, you use the addStat function on RpgEntity or RpgItem like so:
RpgManager.getRpgEntity(livingEntity).addStat(new SmiteStat());
RpgManager.getRpgItem(itemStack).addStat(new SmiteStat());
How you get RpgItems and RpgEntities from itemStacks and livingEntities
Can cost mana
Listens for events
Has a parent (where the stat is on) and a user (whats currently using the stat)
A extension of Stat that gets called every `getInterval()` ticks (calls run with a null event)
Holds stats
Can use other RpgObjects to use their stats
Can have multiple RpgClasses
Extension of RpgObject
Linked to a LivingEntity
Extension of RpgObject
Somewhat linked to a itemstack
Has stats that get added when this class is added
Still in beta so there's probably some (hopefully not critical) bugs, It's still in active development though so if you made a GitHub issue I should be able to fix it relatively soon.
Ideas are also welcome (provided that they aren't too specific)
Some parts may drastically change over beta, so I do not recommend upgrading in production without testing.
Compatibility with other plugins should be okayish
I can be contacted on Discord at KidOfCubes#4867
if you need or want to report anything
Future plans: (all going to be configurable hopefully)
Custom hit detection (custom range, attack hitbox size, etc)
Less bugs
Other ideas:
Custom world generation things
Custom mob spawning