Hi ππ», I'm Cristian Moreno. On a daily basis I use: JavaScript (ES6), React, Gatsby, CSS (inJS), GraphQL, Serverless, just to name the most important bits. I'm a community leader and altruistic speaker. Currently co-organize Medellin.js (Biggest JavaScript user group in Colombia), Avanet and JAMstack Medellin communities.
I love developing things, especially ideas, giving them a new perspective and making them shine! products and applications come after I transform ideas into code; I'm passionate about software development and related stuff.
I bootstrap single page and statically generated React apps from scratch, on top of the Create React App and Gatsby frameworks using intuitive state management like Redux and core React features. I utilize CI tools like Circle CI and Netlify to build/deploy static sites.
π₯π¨πΌβπ» #Javascript Developer Advocate
π¦ΈπΌπ» Community builder
ππ» Producer @commit.fm
π£π§ #EStreamerCoders at @twitch