This plugin illustrates race condition in vmq_reg:subscribe()
To build and run vernemq with plugin enabled:
You must also connect a client like this (plugin only starts spitting output after a client subcribes to any topic):
mosquitto_sub -V 5 -q 0 -h -p 1883 -i debugclient -t 'sometopic'
After a client subscribes plugin every 5 seconds performs this sequence of events:
- issue concurrent subscribes to topics
- check if client total topics is 3 (which is correct) or less
- cleanup before next loop iteration
14:14:08.627 [info] auth_on_subscribe_m5 hook for SubscriberId: {[],<<"">>}, starting testp_checker loop
14:14:14.130 [error] ERROR!!! Total topics should be 3, got = 2, topics = [[<<"b">>,<<"events">>],[<<"sometopic">>]]
14:14:19.129 [error] ERROR!!! Total topics should be 3, got = 2, topics = [[<<"a">>,<<"events">>],[<<"sometopic">>]]
14:14:24.130 [error] ERROR!!! Total topics should be 3, got = 2, topics = [[<<"a">>,<<"events">>],[<<"sometopic">>]]
14:14:29.130 [error] ERROR!!! Total topics should be 3, got = 2, topics = [[<<"b">>,<<"events">>],[<<"sometopic">>]]
14:14:34.130 [error] ERROR!!! Total topics should be 3, got = 2, topics = [[<<"b">>,<<"events">>],[<<"sometopic">>]]
14:14:39.130 [error] ERROR!!! Total topics should be 3, got = 2, topics = [[<<"b">>,<<"events">>],[<<"sometopic">>]]
As you can see, sometimes there is no b/events
and sometimes there is no a/events
This happens in concurrent environment since vmq_reg:subscribe
first queries existings subs and then updates them, but NOT in atomic fashion.