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Here is a list of requirements/acceptance criteria for the IMDB application (also serves as check list).

Requirement/Acceptance criteria Status
1 Domain model for data types Film and User created along with the corresponding database layout. Any additions to the data model for enhanced functionality are completely up to you! X
2 User can register themselves in the application (with username and password). X
3 A Film can be rated on a scale of 1-5 by users. X
4 The web frontend should give new users the means to register themselves, and returning users the ability to login. X
5 Logged-in users can search for films by name, or see a list of all films. X
6 A film can also be rated by a logged-in user; the current average user rating of each film should be displayed. X
7 The backend should be based on Spring Boot and JPA; the database can be freely chosen. X
8 The RESTful API should meet the typical norms of REST. X
9 Users receive recommendations on movies based on previous ratings, genres, and directors.Timing constraints X

Choose your focus wisely. Delivering complete functionality with high standard over full functionality with low quality is preferred.


IDE installation/Run

On first installation:

mvn spring-boot:run -Pprod (run maven goal to install npm and node)

Afterward to run:

mvn spring-boot:run

Docker Image/Container run

requirement: Docker Desktop installed

Create docker image (fat image which contain the backend and the frontend) via spring boot packet builder:

mvn spring-boot:build-image -P prod

Run the image on a container locally:

docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --name movie1