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Private Events Project



When signed in:

  • Users can create events, and edit and delete their current events
  • Users can view other events
  • Users can join and leave events created by others
  • Users can see who else is attending current events

When signed out:

  • Users can view all events
  • Users can view details of specific events, past or present
  • Users cannot create, edit, or delete events
  • Users cannot attend or leave events

Ruby Version

Version 3.2.2
Use ruby -v to see your system version

Rails Version

Version 7.0.6
Use rails -v to see your system version

Devise Gem Version

Version 4.9
To add the devise gem check out the README here


  1. Clone the repo git cone

  2. Setup the database bin/rails db:setup, then migrate bin/rails db:migrate

  3. Start the server rails server

  4. Visit localhost:3000 to view the app in your browser