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UW-Madison CS 537: Introduction to Operating Systems

Development Environment

  • Docker
# Step1: Build Docker image
./xv6-container build

# Step2: Create Docker container
docker run -v "`pwd`":/home/xv6user/xv6  --name OSTEP -itd xv6env

# Step3: Enter Docker container
docker exec -it OSTEP bash

# Step4:
# * xv6-public # (MIT version)
# * xv6-wisc   # (UW-Madison refactor version)
  • Compile xv6
make qemu-nox

C/Linux Projects

Initial Projects

  1. (Project 1a) Unix Utilities (cat, grep, zip/unzip)
  • ✅ (May 12, 2021)
  • Implement Unix utilities on my own, including cat, grep, zip/unzip.

Processes and Scheduling

  1. (Project 2a) Command Line Interpreter (My Unix Shell)
  • ✅ (May 22, 2021)
  • Basic shell: The shell supports both interactive mode and batch mode. In interactive mode, when a user types a command, the shell will use the fork(), execv(), and wait() syscalls to create a child process to execute the command. When the execution finishes, the main process will print the prompt again and wait for more user commands.
  • Build-in commands: Implement three built-in commands, including exit, cd, and path (search path of the shell).
  • Redirection: With the support of redirection, a shell user can send the output of a program to a file rather than to the screen. I implement redirection with open() and dup2() syscalls. Use open() to get the file descriptor of the target file, and then use dup2() to duplicate the file descriptor of STDOUT. Example: ls -l > output.
  • Parallel Commands: In this shell, users can run commands in parallel rather than starting a command only when the previous command finishes. Then, after starting all such processes, the shell uses a wait() loop to wait for them to complete. After all processes are done, return control to the user. Example:
    wish> ls -l & echo 123

Parallel Zip

  1. (Project 3a) Parallel Zip
  • ✅ (June 19, 2021)
  • In project 1a, I implemented a simple compression tool based on run-length encoding, known simply as zip.
  • In project 3a, I implement something similar, except I use threads to make a parallel version of zip.
  • Keywords:
    • Multi-thread: pthread
    • File I/O: open, mmap, munmap

Kernel Hacking Projects (xv6)

These projects all are to be done inside the xv6 kernel based on an early version of Unix and developed at MIT.

  1. (Project 1b) xv6: Introducing a new system call
  • ✅ (May 15, 2021)
  • Introduce a new system call getreadcount(). This project is very helpful for me to understand the process of calling a syscall.
  1. (Project 2b) An xv6 Lottery Scheduler
  • ✅ (June 6, 2021)

  • Implement a lottery scheduler in xv6. To elaborate, I implement a syscall settickets to set the number of tickets of the calling process. The basic idea is simple: assign each running process a slice of the processor based in proportion to the number of tickets it has; the more tickets a process has, the more it runs. Each time slice, a randomized lottery determines the winner of the lottery; that winning process is the one that runs for that time slice.

  1. (Project 3b) Virtual Memory (Null Pointer and Read-Only Regions)
  • ✅ (July 11, 2021)
  • (Task1) Null-pointer Dereference: In xv6's VM system, user code is loaded into the very first part of the address space. Thus, if you dereference a null pointer, you will not see an exception; rather, you will see whatever code is the first bit of code in the program that is running. In Task1, we should make xv6 trap and kill the process that dereferences a null pointer.
  • (Task2) Read-only Code: In most operating systems, code is marked read-only instead of read-write. However, in xv6 this is not the case, so a buggy program could accidentally overwrite its own text. In Task2, we need to implement 2 syscalls to avoid the accidents.
    • mprotect(void *addr, int len): Changes the protection bits of the page range starting at addr and of len pages to be read only. Thus, a write to this region should cause a trap (and thus kill the process) after mprotect() finishes.
    • munprotect(void *addr, int len): Sets the region back to both readable and writeable.


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