This repository contains source code that we used to perform experiment in paper titled "A Knowledge Enhanced Pre-trained Model for Bug Localization".
The structure of this folder is as follows:
- KEPT: Contains the source code to reproduce the result of RAPT model.
- CodeT5: Contains the source code to reproduce the result of CodeT5 baseline.
- Gpt2: Contains the source code to reproduce the result of GPT2 baseline.
- Locus: Contains the source code to reproduce the result of Locus baseline.
- GraphCodeBERT: Contains the source code to reproduce the result of GraphCodeBERT baseline.
- SemanticCodeBERT: Contains the source code to reproduce the result of SemanticCodeBERT.
- CodeBERT: Contains the source code to reproduce the result of CodeBERT.
- Bert: Contains the source code to reproduce the result of BERT.
- Kept_Pretrain: Contains the source code of pre-training for KEPT model.
- BuildKGForText: Contains tools for building knowledge graphs from project document.
- BuildKGForCode: Contains tools for building knowledge graphs from code.
For some large models and dataset, please download from the link
- Python >= 3.8
- pytorch==1.11.0
- 1 GPU with CUDA 11.5
- Java Development Kit == 1.8
- Maven == 3.9.6
GPU used in experiments: Nvidia A100-PCIE-40GB
GPU used in SemanticCodeBERT:Nvidia GTX 3090
The data we used to train and test is attached in link is the KEPT dataset. You need to download it and then extract it to any location.
Data Structure:
XX is the name of the project.
raw/issue/XX.csv: Bug report data of the project. raw/commit/XX: Changeset data of the project.
XX/text_relation.csv: Knowledge graph generated from the project documentation.
XX/code_relation.csv: Relationships contained in the knowledge graph generated from the project code.
XX/code_entity.csv: Entities contained in the knowledge graph generated from the project code.
Before starting the experiment, there are some steps to follow,
Step1: Install the python dependencies listed in the requirements.txt file within the directory KEPT.
Step2: Download the file from, then unzip it, and place the file in trace/main/model, and the remaining files in the /trace/unixCoder folder
Step3:Modify the DATA_SOURCE in trace/main/ to point to your data dir.
Step4: Modify the PROJECT_NAME in trace/main/ to point to the project you want to train and evaluate
We provide a script that combines the training and evaluation processes. You can run it to reproduce our experiments.
The experimental results are in the trace/main/result folder
cd trace/main
The same with KEPT
Before starting the experiment, there are some steps to follow,
Step1: Install the python dependencies listed in the requirements.txt file within the directory Gpt2.
Step2: Download the file from, then unzip it, and place all files in the /trace/GPT2 folder.
Step3:Modify the DATA_SOURCE in trace/main/ to point to your data dir.
Step4: Modify the PROJECT_NAME in trace/main/ to point to the project you want to train and evaluate
We provide a script that combines the training and evaluation processes. You can run it to reproduce our experiments.
The experimental results are in the trace/main/result folder
cd trace/main
Same as KEPT.
Before starting the experiment, there are some steps to follow,
Step1: Install the python dependencies listed in the requirements.txt file within the directory CodeT5.
Step2: Download the file from, then unzip it, and place all files in the /trace/CodeT5 folder.
Step3:Modify the DATA_SOURCE in trace/main/ to point to your data dir.
Step4: Modify the PROJECT_NAME in trace/main/ to point to the project you want to train and evaluate
We provide a script that combines the training and evaluation processes. You can run it to reproduce our experiments.
The experimental results are in the trace/main/result folder
cd trace/main
Same as KEPT.
Before starting the experiment, there are some steps to follow,
Step1: Install the python dependencies listed in the requirements.txt file within the directory GraphCodeBERT.
Step2: Download the file from, then unzip it, and place all files in the /trace/gcbert folder.
Step3:Modify the DATA_SOURCE in trace/main/ to point to your data dir.
Step4: Modify the PROJECT_NAME in trace/main/ to point to the project you want to train and evaluate
We provide a script that combines the training and evaluation processes. You can run it to reproduce our experiments.
The experimental results are in the trace/main/result folder
cd trace/main
The data we used to train and test is attached in link is the Locus dataset. You need to download it and then extract it to any location. is converted from, there is a convert tool in code too. Then, modify the config_example.txt in trace/main/ to point to your data dir. You can get more information in the Locus Readme
Before the experiment, you need to compile the Locus executable file. Locus is built and developed through eclipse. You need to build it through the following steps
- Open Eclipse
- Make a 'techniques' folder into workplace of Eclipse. Then .metadata folder will be created in 'techniques' folder.
- On the 'Package Explorer' panel, Open context menu by clicking right mouse button.
- Select 'Import', Then a pop-up windows will be placed.
- Choose 'General > Projects from Folder or Archive' item and click 'Next' button.
- Designate project folder Locus. -Then, the project will be loaded and be shown in the Package Explorer.
You can run Locus using command line: java main.Main [config]
It reads all the configurations from the [config] file.
Locus/config_example.txt is a example for config
he data we used to train and test is attached in link is the SenmanticCodeBERT. You need to download it and then extract it to SenmanticCodeBERT/data dir. is converted from, there is a convert tool in code.You can convert it by yourself
you can read the in SenmanticCodeBERT for train and evaluation
The same with KEPT
Before starting the experiment, there are some steps to follow,
Step1: Install the python dependencies listed in the requirements.txt file within the directory CodeBERT.
Step2: Download the file from, then unzip it, and place the file in trace/main/model, and the remaining files in the /trace/unixCoder folder
Step3:Modify the DATA_SOURCE in trace/main/ to point to your data dir.
Step4: Modify the PROJECT_NAME in trace/main/ to point to the project you want to train and evaluate
We provide a script that combines the training and evaluation processes. You can run it to reproduce our experiments.
The experimental results are in the trace/main/result folder
cd trace/main
The same with KEPT
Before starting the experiment, there are some steps to follow,
Step1: Install the python dependencies listed in the requirements.txt file within the directory BERT.
Step2: Download the file from, then unzip it, and place the file in trace/main/model, and the remaining files in the /trace/unixCoder folder
Step3:Modify the DATA_SOURCE in trace/main/ to point to your data dir.
Step4: Modify the PROJECT_NAME in trace/main/ to point to the project you want to train and evaluate
We provide a script that combines the training and evaluation processes. You can run it to reproduce our experiments.
The experimental results are in the trace/main/result folder
cd trace/main
The data we used to train is attached in link is the KEPT pretrain dataset. You need to download it and then extract it to any location. Then, modify the data_dir in rapt/ to point to your data dir.
Before starting the experiment, there are some steps to follow,
Step1: Install the python dependencies listed in the requirements.txt file within the directory KEPT.
Step2: Download the model data file from, then unzip it, and place all files to a directory.
Step3:modify the data_dir in rapt/ to point to your data dir.
Step4: modify the code_bert in rapt/ to point to your model dir
cd rapt