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My VIM settings based on The Vim Configuration of Champions

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My VM config based on The Vim Configuration of Champions (


  1. git clone http: ~/.vim.
  2. cd ~/.vim.

Now you have a choice. The automated script or the manual process.

  1. rake vim:link to make the .vimrc symbolic link.
  2. Install Vundle with git clone http: bundle/vundle
  3. vim +PluginInstall +qall

Enjoy enhanced productivity, increased levitation, reduced watermelon-related accidents, and startling sex appeal.

Vim Requirements

  • MacVim
  • brew install macvim --override-system-vim

Plugin Requirements

Here's a list of plugins that require further installation or have dependencies.

  • syntastic Requires many different binaries installed depending on what filetypes you want it to check. See the FAQ for more information.
  • underscore-cli for sweet JSON formatting.


  • brew install reattach-to-user-namespace
  • gem install tmuxinator


  • Nothing Currently

Installing Custom Plugins

Create a new .vim file with the same name as the plugin you'd like to install in vundle_plugins/custom. Then add the installation block. For example:


if exists('g:vundle_installing_plugins')
  Plugin 'matze/vim-move.vim'

let g:move_key_modifier = 'C'

This example installs vim-move.

Plugin List

Stars___ Plugin Description
6,077 ⭐ YouCompleteMe 📄 A code-completion engine for Vim
4,109 ⭐ syntastic 📄 Syntax checking hacks for vim
3,975 ⭐ nerdtree 📄 A tree explorer plugin for vim.
3,784 ⭐ ctrlp.vim Fuzzy file, buffer, mru, tag, etc finder.
1,282 ⭐ supertab 📄 Perform all your vim insert mode completions with Tab
1,234 ⭐ ultisnips 📄 UltiSnips - The ultimate snippet solution for Vim. Send pull requests to SirVer/ultisnips!
1,062 ⭐ vim-snippets 📄 vim-snipmate default snippets (Previously snipmate-snippets)
957 ⭐ vim-javascript Vastly improved Javascript indentation and syntax support in Vim.
636 ⭐ jellybeans.vim 📄 A colorful, dark color scheme for Vim.
480 ⭐ html5.vim HTML5 omnicomplete and syntax

That's 10 plugins, holy crap.

Generated by rake update_readme on 2014/11/25.


My VIM settings based on The Vim Configuration of Champions






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