ROS package for iniVation Dynamic Vision System's dv-sdk.
Use dv-sdk to process event streams in ROS.
Use dv-sdk
functions in ROS. -
to modify the accumulating parameters online. -
event stream message. -
Process multiple event streams in one ROS node, and config different parameters for each stream.
Install the
iniVation dv-runtime
on your computer firstly. -
Check the celex5_msgs and dvs_msgs dependence. If you don't have them, just clone and add the msgs package into your ROS workspace.
Clone the repository in your ROS Workspace, can then just build it.
Use the prepared config file: davis240.yaml:
roslaunch dv_ros davis240.launch
rosrun dv_ros dv_ros_node /path/to/the/davis240.yaml
You can process multiple event streams in one ros_node,
the parameter num_of_event_stream
specific the number of event streams you want to process.
The event stream can be capture from different device, such as DAVIS or CeleX.
Then you can config different parameters for each stream by using eventN_
The meaning of accumulate parameters can be found here.
Below is an example config file for stereo davis346 with different config:
num_of_event_stream: 2
event0_device_type: 0 # 0: davis, 1: celex
event0_topic: "/dvs/left/events"
event0_frame_width: 346
event0_frame_height: 260
event0_accumulated_frame_topic: "/dvs/left/event_frame" # accumulated frame topic's name, for publishing
event0_accumulation_method: 2 # 0: by time, 1: by number, 2: time window is sync with events data hz, by number
event0_number_window_size: 12000
event0_time_window_size: 33 # ms
event0_decay_function: 3 # 0: None, 1: Linear, 2: Exponential, 3: Step
event0_decay_param: 0.000001 # us
event0_min_potential: 0
event0_max_potential: 1
event0_neutral_potential: 0.5
event0_event_contribution: 0.15
event0_rectify_polarity: 0 # enable: 1, disable: 0
event0_synchronous_decay: 0 # enable: 1, disable: 0
event0_no_motion_threshold: 1000 # rate: events/s
event1_device_type: 0 # 0: davis, 1: celex
event1_topic: "/dvs/right/events"
event1_frame_width: 346
event1_frame_height: 260
event1_accumulated_frame_topic: "/dvs/right/event_frame" # accumulated frame topic's name, for publishing
event1_accumulation_method: 0 # 0: by time, 1: by number, 2: time window is sync with events data hz, by number
event1_number_window_size: 12000
event1_time_window_size: 33 # ms
event1_decay_function: 2 # 0: None, 1: Linear, 2: Exponential, 3: Step
event1_decay_param: 1000000 # us
event1_min_potential: 0
event1_max_potential: 0.3
event1_neutral_potential: 0
event1_event_contribution: 0.04
event1_rectify_polarity: 0 # enable: 1, disable: 0
event1_synchronous_decay: 0 # enable: 1, disable: 0
event1_no_motion_threshold: 1000 # rate: events/s
The knoise module is still does not work.