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🏇 A model driven framework for the evaluation web page performance

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Tool to monitor indicators of performance for webpages.

image Video Demo

The idea of the tool is to create a way of monitoring indicators on the performance of a web page. Integrating these indicators more easily, and enhance understanding of these criteria for the entire development team. allowing ability to manage the history of changes in these indicators during the development cycle of the application. The main indicators will be time page load, page size, and score related to pagespeed and yslow.


How to run the project

  1. Install Git, MongoDB and NodeJS.

  2. Clone the project:

git clone
  1. Go to folder:
cd keepfast
  1. Get one API Key on Google Insights:

  2. Add your Google API Key on file /conf/pagespeed.json:

    "key": "YOUR_KEY_HERE",
    "locale": "en",
    "type": "desktop"
  1. Install dependencies:
$ npm install
  1. Run your MongoDB on 27017 port, or see how to run:
  1. And run:
node server.js
  1. It's running at localhost:3000
  • Number of resources (39)
  • Unique hosts (Max 18 domains)
  • Transferred bytes (2169KB)
  • PageSpeed (79)
  • YSlow (80)
  • Time to load (4 in seconds)


Davidson Fellipe
Davidson Fellipe


Anyone and everyone is welcome to contribute. See some developers that helped.


Code is under MIT license