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JongYun-Kim committed Jan 9, 2024
1 parent 3b87e04 commit 481cac2
Showing 1 changed file with 259 additions and 0 deletions.
259 changes: 259 additions & 0 deletions experiments/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
import numpy as np
import copy
# Envs and models
from env.envs import LazyAgentsCentralized, LazyAgentsCentralizedPendReward, LazyAgentsWithDisturbance
from models.lazy_allocator import MyRLlibTorchWrapper, MyMLPModel
# RLlib from Ray
from ray.rllib.policy.policy import Policy
from ray.tune.registry import register_env
from ray.rllib.models import ModelCatalog
# Plots
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# import matplotlib.animation as animation
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
# from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection
# import itertools
# Save files and load files
# import pickle
# import pandas as pd
# import os # creates dirs
from datetime import datetime # gets current date and time

if __name__ == "__main__":
num_agents_max = 100
num_agents_min = 100
max_time_step = 2000
env_config_heuristic = {
"num_agents_max": num_agents_max, # Maximum number of agents
"num_agents_min": num_agents_min, # Minimum number of agents
# Optional parameters
"speed": 15, # Speed in m/s. Default is 15
"max_turn_rate": 8/15, # u_max: 8/speed
# Env change test
"inter_agent_strength": 5, # CS strength: 5
"communication_decay_rate": 1/3, # beta; CS related must be < 1/2: 1/3
"bonding_strength": 1, # Cohesion strength: 1
"initial_position_bound": 250, # 250
"predefined_distance": 60, # Predefined distance in meters. Default is 60
# Tune the following parameters for your environment
"std_pos_converged": 45, # Standard position when converged. Default is 0.7*R
"std_vel_converged": 0.15, # 1.5, # Standard velocity when converged. Default is 0.1
"std_pos_rate_converged": 0.2, # 0.6, # Standard position rate when converged. Default is 0.1
"std_vel_rate_converged": 0.4, # 0.8, # Standard velocity rate when converged. Default is 0.2
# TODO: SEE MAX TIME STEP CHANGED TO 2000 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"max_time_step": max_time_step, # Maximum time steps. Default is 2000,
"incomplete_episode_penalty": -0, # Penalty for incomplete episode. Default is -600
"normalize_obs": True, # If True, the env will normalize the obs. Default: False\
"use_fixed_horizon": False, # If True, the env will use fixed horizon. Default: False
"use_L2_norm": False, # If True, the env will use L2 norm. Default: False
# Heuristic policy
"use_heuristics": True, # If True, the env will use heuristic policy. Default: False
"_use_fixed_lazy_idx": True, # If True, the env will use fixed lazy idx. Default: True
# For RLlib models
"use_preprocessed_obs": True, # If True, the env will return preprocessed obs. Default: True
"use_mlp_settings": False, # If True, flatten obs used without topology and padding. Default: False
# Note: No padding applied to the MLP settings for now
# Plot config
"get_state_hist": True, # If True, state_hist stored. Use this for plotting. Default: False
# try to leave it empty in your config unless you explicitly want to plot
# as it's gonna be False by default, use more memory, and slow down the training/evaluation
env_name = "lazy_env"
env_class = LazyAgentsCentralized
# env_class = LazyAgentsCentralizedPendReward # should not be tested unless you know what you do with it
# env_class = LazyAgentsWithDisturbance
# env_config_heuristic["noise_scale"] = 1.2 # 0.1
# env_config_heuristic["num_faulty_agents"] = 1

# Register environment
register_env(env_name, lambda cfg: env_class(cfg))

# Get original env
env = env_class(env_config_heuristic)

# register your custom model
# custom_model_config = {}
model_name = "custom_model"
ModelCatalog.register_custom_model(model_name, MyRLlibTorchWrapper)
# model_name = "custom_model_mlp"
# env_config["use_mlp_settings"] = True
# ModelCatalog.register_custom_model(model_name, MyMLPModel)

# Get nn policy
# Get path
base_path = "<LOAD_YOUR_PATH>"
trial_path = base_path + "<LOAD_YOUR_TRIAL_PATH>"
checkpoint_path = trial_path + "/checkpoint_<YOUR_CHECKPOINT_NUMBER>/policies/<TARGET_POLICY>"

# Get policy from checkpoint
policy = Policy.from_checkpoint(checkpoint_path)

# Configure your experiment
num_exp = 6

# Lists to store env instances for each experiment _0912
envs_org = []
envs_fully_active = []
envs_heuristic = []
envs_nn = []
num_envs = 4 # (1) fully_active; (2) neural_network; (3) heuristic; (4) heuristic variant (adaptive lazy agent index)

# Lists to store histories for each experiment
episodic_reward_sums = np.zeros((num_exp, num_envs), dtype=np.float32)
accumulated_reward_hists = np.zeros((num_exp, num_envs, max_time_step), dtype=np.float32)
random_seeds = np.random.randint(0, 10000, size=num_exp)

# Run experiments
for exp in range(num_exp):

# Get env
obs = env.reset()
num_agents = env.num_agents

# Copy env
env_fully_active = copy.deepcopy(env)
env_heuristic = copy.deepcopy(env)
env_nn = copy.deepcopy(env)
env_heuristic_variant = copy.deepcopy(env)

# Get results from fully active env
done = False
reward_sum_fully_active = 0
action = np.ones(num_agents_max, dtype=np.float32) # actions of the padded agents are ignored in the env
while not done:
_, reward, done, _ = env_fully_active.step(action)
reward_sum_fully_active += reward
accumulated_reward_hists[exp, 0, env_fully_active.time_step - 1] = reward_sum_fully_active

# Get results from neural network env
done = False
reward_sum_nn = 0
while not done:
action = policy.compute_single_action(obs, explore=False) # if stochastic model, test both explore=T/F
obs, reward, done, _ = env_nn.step(action[0])
# nn_action_hist[exp, env_nn.time_step - 1, :] = action[0]
reward_sum_nn += reward
accumulated_reward_hists[exp, 1, env_nn.time_step - 1] = reward_sum_nn

# Get results from heuristic env
done = False
reward_sum_heuristic = 0
while not done:
action = env_heuristic.compute_heuristic_action()
_, reward, done, _ = env_heuristic.step(action)
# heu_action_hist[exp, env_heuristic.time_step - 1, :] = action
reward_sum_heuristic += reward
accumulated_reward_hists[exp, 2, env_heuristic.time_step - 1] = reward_sum_heuristic

# Get results from heuristic variant env
done = False
reward_sum_heuristic_variant = 0
while not done:
action = env_heuristic_variant.compute_heuristic_action(mask=None, use_fixed_lazy=False)
_, reward, done, _ = env_heuristic_variant.step(action)
# heu_var_action_hist[exp, env_heuristic_variant.time_step - 1, :] = action
reward_sum_heuristic_variant += reward
accumulated_reward_hists[exp, 3, env_heuristic_variant.time_step - 1] = reward_sum_heuristic_variant

# Store results
episodic_reward_sums[exp, :] = [reward_sum_fully_active, reward_sum_heuristic, reward_sum_nn, reward_sum_heuristic_variant]

# Step 1: Setup Figures for Four Subplots
fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(10, 10)) # Adjust figsize as needed
plots = ['Fully Active', 'Lazy by Neural Network', 'Lazy by Heuristic', 'Lazy by Heuristic Variant']
envs = [env_fully_active, env_nn, env_heuristic, env_heuristic_variant]

# Prepare data structures for scatter and quiver plots for each environment
scatters = []
quivers = []
trajectories = [[] for _ in range(4)] # 4 lists for 4 environments

# Prepare and initialize each subplot
reward_texts = []
for i, ax in enumerate(axs.flat):
# Initialize a text object for displaying the accumulated reward
reward_text = ax.text(0.02, 0.98, '', transform=ax.transAxes, ha='left', va='top', color='red')

# Get agent positions and velocities for each environment
agent_positions = envs[i].state_hist[:envs[i].time_step, :, 0:2]
agent_velocities = envs[i].state_hist[:envs[i].time_step, :, 2:4]

ax.set_xlim(np.min(agent_positions[:, :, 0]), np.max(agent_positions[:, :, 0]))
ax.set_ylim(np.min(agent_positions[:, :, 1]), np.max(agent_positions[:, :, 1]))

# Initialize scatter and quiver plots for each environment
scatter = ax.scatter(agent_positions[0, :, 0], agent_positions[0, :, 1])
quiver = ax.quiver(agent_positions[0, :, 0], agent_positions[0, :, 1],
agent_velocities[0, :, 0], agent_velocities[0, :, 1])


# Initialize trajectories for each agent in each environment
for _ in range(agent_positions.shape[1]): # Loop over agents
trajectories[i].append(ax.plot([], [], color='gray', linewidth=0.5)[0])

# Step 2: Update Function
def update(frame):
components = []
for i in range(4): # For each environment
env = envs[i]
if frame < env.time_step: # Check if the environment is still active
agent_positions = env.state_hist[frame, :, 0:2]
agent_velocities = env.state_hist[frame, :, 2:4]
else: # If done, use the last available frame
agent_positions = env.state_hist[env.time_step - 1, :, 0:2]
agent_velocities = env.state_hist[env.time_step - 1, :, 2:4]

# Update scatter (positions) with the highest zorder
scatters[i].set_zorder(2) # allows to be drawn in that order (smaller: bottom/first, larger: top/last)

# Update velocities with a middle zorder
quivers[i].set_UVC(agent_velocities[:, 0], agent_velocities[:, 1])

# Update trajectories with a lower zorder
for j, line in enumerate(trajectories[i]):
if frame < env.time_step:
traj_data = env.state_hist[:frame + 1, j, 0:2]
traj_data = env.state_hist[:env.time_step, j, 0:2]
line.set_data(traj_data[:, 0], traj_data[:, 1])

# Update the reward text for each subplot with the highest zorder
if frame < env.time_step:
accumulated_reward = - accumulated_reward_hists[exp, i, frame]
accumulated_reward = - accumulated_reward_hists[exp, i, env.time_step - 1]
reward_texts[i].set_text(f'Energy used: {accumulated_reward:.2f}')

return components

# Step 3: Create and Save Animation
# Format the current date and time as YYMMDD_HHmm
current_time ="%y%m%d_%H%M")
max_time_step_video = max(env.time_step for env in envs) # Use the longest time step
ani = FuncAnimation(fig, update, frames=max_time_step_video, interval=50, blit=True)'./videos/{num_agents_max}UAVs_experiment_{exp + 1}_{current_time}.mp4', writer='ffmpeg')

print(f"Experiment {exp} is done.")

print("All experiments are done.")

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