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A notes-spreadsheet-hybrid for programmers. Write notes, store data and process it. Harness the power of JavaScript, React and their ecosystems with the ease of use of a spreadsheet. Even extending ReSheet with your custom Blocks (the equivalent of cells in a spreadsheet) for your use-case is possible.

ReSheet demo animation


For Questions, Feedback, or showing what you did in ReSheet (I'm always interested, please share!) join the ReSheet Discord Server:

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ReSheet is currently in beta stage. This means it may be missing important features and may have some bugs. There are no bigger changes coming and it is already productively usable.

After these issues are adressed, ReSheet will be ready for the first stable release.


Running ReSheet locally should be easy. Make sure you have a node environment and yarn (classic/v1) installed. Then:

$ yarn
  ... installs dependencies ...

$ yarn start
  ... starts development server (parcel) ...

and ReSheet should be up and running on https://localhost:1234/.


One of my goals was to keep the codebase as simple while still as versatile and powerful as possible. I'm currently very pleased with the state in this regard. ReSheet revolves around the definition of a Block, something similar to a cell in a spreadsheet. In src/core/block.tsx you can see its interface definition. In src/web/index.tsx you can see the hard-coded top-level Block for the web app. I tried to write ReSheet in a way, that it can be used as a toolbox for building similar tools by combining and writing custom Blocks.

Unfortunately the code itself is still 99.9% undocumented. (This codebase evolved from a prototype.)

graph TD;

*the web app*`"];

*library of blocks*`"];

*core definition of a block*`"];

*edit and run javascript*`"]

*provide documentation*`"]

  web --> core & blocks;
  blocks --> core & code; 
  blocks & web --> docs;


At the core of ReSheet lies the concept of a Block. A Block is the equivalent to a cell in a spreadsheet. In core lies the definition of the Block interface and some helper functions specific for Blocks.


In blocks lie all Block implementations. Among them:

  • JSExpr: A multiline JavaScript Block
  • block-selector: Dynamically select any available Block (using JavaScript)
  • sheet: A sheet of Blocks. Consists of lines that can be named and can reference prior lines.
  • note: A versatile Block to just write some text with markdown, embed a JavaScript expression or embed another Block.
  • document: A wrapper that implements application-level functionality: Saving/Loading, History, Hierarchy of Pages, Shortcut Suggestions, Command Search.


web properly bundles everything as a web app. It implements automatic saving of backups in IndexedDB and a few other top-level UI elements like the toasts on the top right and the focus indicator.


code contains code-editing/-running functionality.

The editing core: useEditable, a hook for implementing editors with content-editable. On top of that lies editor, which implements an editor component with code highlighting.

The running core: compute, implementing transpiling (React) code and running it.

completions is another honorable mention, it implements code completions (as the name suggests).


docs contains the documentation infrastructure. It contains external documentation resources, currently only a specific extract of MDN. blocks provides further documentation for Blocks using docs.


A hackable notes-spreadsheet-hybrid for programmers





