💻 Build terminal styled websites in minutes!
Source code for Eat The Blocks, a screencast for Ethereum Dapp Developers
A little tool to play with Windows security
iOS Hacktivation Toolkit
MatthewPierson / ezDFU
Forked from rA9stuff/ezDFUA quick way to sign iBSS - iBEC and upload it to device
MatthewPierson / Fugu
Forked from LinusHenze/FuguFugu is the first open source jailbreak based on the checkm8 exploit
MatthewPierson / ra1nsn0w
Forked from tihmstar/ra1nsn0wA tethered booter for 64bit iOS devices vulnerable to checkm8
Make a website like a Unix Terminal. Incorporate your own commands.
A fake Javascript terminal for your website.
Resume website with built in terminal emulator to query health metrics of internal servers
This is a simple twitter bot which favorites, retweets the tweets and follows users who tweet about a keyword; deployed in Hasura.
64-bit Linux kernel for NanoPi M3 based on vanilla kernel 4.11.6 - EOL, linux-nanopi-m3-v4.14 is current one
64-bit Debian/Ubuntu installer for NanoPi M3