This is your boilerplate project for developing React apps inside Google Sheets, Docs, Forms and Slides projects. It's perfect for personal projects and for publishing complex add-ons in the Google…
Personal Portfolio Website Templates
HellSingCoder / qmk_firmware
Forked from qmk/qmk_firmwareOpen-source keyboard firmware for Atmel AVR and Arm USB families
oshiroscope / keyball
Forked from Yowkees/keyballkeyball is split keyboard has 100% track ball
[CVPR 2022] PoseTriplet: Co-evolving 3D Human Pose Estimation, Imitation, and Hallucination under Self-supervision (Oral)
Type-safe networking abstraction layer for Open Sound Control.
Python script to remote control a BOSCH GLM 100C rangefinder via its Bluetooth serial interface
The FastLED library for colored LED animation on Arduino. Please direct questions/requests for help to the FastLED Reddit community: We'd like to use github "issues" just for tr…
Arduino library for MPU9250 Nine-Axis (Gyro + Accelerometer + Compass) MEMS MotionTracking™ Device
Adafruit library code for Raspberry Pi