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Starter project for creating Visual Studio Team Services tasks using TypeScript


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VSTS Task Starter

Starter project for creating Visual Studio Team Services tasks using TypeScript. You can use this project to quickly get up and running when creating a custom VSTS Task with TypeScript.

Project Structure

|-- screenshots
|   |-- screenshots-0.png
|-- Tasks
|   |-- CustomTask
|   |   |-- customTask.ts
|   |   |-- icon.png
|   |   |-- task.json
|   |-- tests
|   |   |-- customTask.spec.ts
|   |-- tsconfig.json
|-- .gitignore
|-- marketplace-icon.png
|-- package-lock.json
|-- package.json
|-- tslint.json
|-- vss-extension.json

Before You Start

Before you start working on the project, there are few things you need to change. The stater project includes some placeholders that you need to change in to your own unique values.


  • id : Identifier of the VSTS task
  • name : Friendly name for the VSTS Task
  • publisher : Verified publisher id for the developer. Publisher needs to be verified in order to make VSTS tasks public
  • description : Short description for the VSTS Task
  • contributions:id : Identifier of the VSTS task

The Manifest Reference include the full list of configuration options and their description you can refer to change the vss-extension.json file.


  • name : Change the name to your project name
  • description : Change the description to match your project
  • author : Name of the project author
  • Change all the GitHub repository URL to match your repository.


  • id : IMPORTANT!!! Change to a new GUID. This GUID must be unique to every VSTS Task.
  • name : Name for the custom task. Can not include spaces.
  • friendlyName : Friendly name for the task
  • description : Short description for the task.
  • author : Name of the VSTS task author

The Build Task Reference include the full schema with the available options and their description you can refer to change the task.json file.

Marketplace Graphics

There are 3 types of graphics used in the VSTS Task. Look at the Project Structure figure to see the location of these files

  • Task Icon : Image file that must NOT be larger than 32x32 pixels.
  • Marketplace Icon : Icon file that is shown on the Marketplace Home page for the task that must be at least 128x128 pixels.
  • Screenshots : Screenshot/Custom graphic that is shown in the Marketplace Home page for the task. Maximum of 3 images are shown. Can be any size, ideal size is 380x260 pixels.

Starting Development

Install the npm packages

The project uses vsts-task-lib npm package and few development time dependencies.

# Install dependencies
npm install

Running Code Analysis

The project is written in TypeScript. It uses TSLint static analyser.

# Run TSLint
npm run lint

Run Tests

The project include the initial setup to run unit tests using mocha. Unit tests currently use Node.js assert for assertions. You have the choice to use any assertion framework you wish.

# Run Unit Tests
npm test

Building the VSTS Task

The project is setup with npm scripts to build the project. When the build command is run, it creates a dist folder with the compiled code ready to be published.

# Build the VSTS Task
npm run build

Available NPM Scripts

The following npm scripts are created to make it easy to build, test and publish the VSTS task.

  • test : Compiles the project/tests and runs the unit tests
  • test-spec : Runs the unit tests using mocha
  • lint : Runs TSLint on the project
  • clean : Cleans the project. This deletes dist folder, deletes all the JavaScript and source map files
  • clean-js : Deletes all the generated JavaScript files
  • clean-map : Deletes all the generated Source Map files
  • compile : Compiles all the TypeScript files in to JavaScript, this includes tests. Also runs TSLInt before compiling the code.
  • move-npm : Creates the dist directory and copy the package.json file to the sub directory with in dist.
  • move-task : Moves all the files, _excluding TypeScript files in to the dist directory
  • restore-prod : Installs only the production npm dependencies. Excludes the devDependencies
  • build : Build the project. This creates the dist directory with all the production code ready to be deployed.
  • build-clean : Same as above, but this deletes the dist directory if it exists before building the project
  • publish-local : Publishes the VSTS task to your Visual Studio Test Services instance.

Note Before using publish-local npm script, you need to have tfx-cli installed globally in your system. And the be logged in to your TFS/VSTS instance in order to interact and publish the task to your TFS/VSTS instance. You can follow Building Custom Visual Studio Team Service Tasks with VSTS DevOps Task SDK article to know how to install tfx-cli and how to login to your VSTS instance using a PAT (Personal Access Token).