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Karuppusamy's Blog

I am Karuppusamy, a software engineer. I know JavaScript, Python, C++, C, Java, HTML, CSS, and some other programming languages. I also know android development, web development, and arduino programming.

This blog is a place where I write about programming, and other things that I find interesting.



Run yarn compose ${title} ${md|mdx} or npm run compose ${title} ${md|mdx} to create a new post.

The first argument is the name of the post and the second optional argument is the extension (default to .mdx)

Example code to generate the post called "My First Post" in markdown format

yarn compose "My First Post" .mdx

# or

npm run compose "My First Post" .mdx

This will generate ./data/blog/my-first-post.mdx with pre-filled front matter.


Currently 7 fields are supported.

title (required)
date (required)
tags (required, can be empty array)
lastmod (optional)
draft (optional)
summary (required)
images (required, if none provided defaults to socialBanner in siteMetadata config)


This is a modified version of Tailwind Nextjs Starter Blog by Timothy.

This blog is built with Next.js and Tailwind CSS and hosted on Vercel.


MIT © Karuppusamy

Made with ❤️ by Karuppusamy