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Archetype-based entity-component framework using C++20


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A lightweight and simple archetype-based entity-component framework. dens is simply short for "dense" or "densely packed components".


  • Header-only interface
  • Based on archetypes, aka unique sets of component types
  • No type / component registrations required
  • Exclusion typelist for queries
  • Multiple simultaneous registries
  • Components stored directly as (type-erased) std::vector<T>
  • Minimal type erasure: only one void* and reinterpret_cast throughout library
  • Base class templates for systems and groups (of systems)


  • Supports a maximum of one component instance per type per entity / concrete system instance per group



#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <dens/registry.hpp>

int main() {
  dens::registry r;
  auto e1 = r.make_entity(); // no components attached
  auto e2 = r.make_entity<int, float>(); // default construct and attach int and float

  r.attach<int>(e1) = 42; // attach trivial
  r.attach<std::string>(e1, "hello"); // attach non-trivial

  r.get<int>(e2) = -9; // get reference to int (must be attached)
  if (auto f = r.find<float>(e2)) { *f = 3.14f; } // get pointer to float if attached

  // iterate over all ints and floats
  for (auto e : r.view<int, float>()) {
    auto [i, f] = e.components;
    std::cout << << ": int: " << i << "float: " << f << "\n";
  // iterate over all strings that do not have floats or chars attached
  for (auto e : r.view<std::string>(dens::exclude<float, char>())) {
    std::cout << << ": int: " << e.get<int>() << "\n";

  std::cout << "string detached from e1: " << r.detach<std::string>(e1) << "\n";
  std::cout << "entity count: " << r.size() << "\n";

#include <dens/system_group.hpp>

struct task_scheduler {};

struct sys_data {
  task_scheduler& tasks;
  float dt{};

using sys_base = dens::system<sys_data>;
using sys_group = dens::system_group<sys_data>;

class foo_system : public sys_base {
  void update(dens::registry const& registry) {
    float const dt = data().dt;
    // ...

class scene {
  scene() {

  void tick(float dt) {
    m_root.update(m_registry, sys_data{.tasks = m_tasks, .dt = dt});

  task_scheduler m_tasks;
  dens::registry m_registry;
  sys_group m_root;


  • CMake
  • C++20 compiler (and stdlib)


  1. Clone repo / add a git submodule in an appropriate subdirectory, say dens
  2. Add library to project via: add_subdirectory(dens) and target_link_libraries(foo dens::dens)
  3. Use via #include <dens/registry.hpp>
  4. Configure with DENS_BUILD_TESTS=ON to build tests executables in tests


The main motivations behind / goals for dens are for it to:

  • Be lightweight and simple
  • Focus on ergonomics without compromising too much on performance
  • Use minimal type erasure / weak typing

For a detailed background on ECS, Michele Caini's excellent articles on it, particularly the one describing archetypes are recommended. As a brief recap: an archetype represents a specific collection of component types, and owns all entities that have that exact set of components attached. Adding/removing components to an entity results in it being moved between corresponding archetypes, and component queries returns a list of entities whose archetypes have at least the desired types attached.

archetype => components types
A0 => P, Q
A1 => P, S
A2 => P, Q, R

query<P> => [A0, A1, A2]
query<Q, P> => [A0, A2]


In dens, an archetype is a vector of uniquely identified tarrays, and a vector of entities, where each tarray holds a std::vector<T>. Each "column" represents a unique entity and its attached components. The sizes of all these vectors in an archetype are always equal: this is a required invariant.

archetype<A, B>
| index     || 0 | 1 | 2 ||                 |
| entity    || e2 | e1 | e3 ||              |
| tarray<A> ||    A    |    A    |    A    ||
| tarray<B> ||   B   |   B   |   B   ||     |

An entity is a strongly typed pair of IDs (identifying the registry and entity each), which also functions as a primary key into an internal database of records, maintained by the registry. A record identifies an entity's owning archetype (if any) and its index among the columns, and is updated whenever an entity changes its archetype or is swapped with another in the same archetype (index changed). A swap-to-back-and-pop approach is used whenever columns need to be moved, minimizing the number of column adjustments (at the cost of columns being stored in an unordered fashion).


registry is the primary database and user-facing interface, owning all archetypes and records. A new record is created for each entity, initially with no associated archetype. As components are attached / detached, archetypes are fetched / created and components added / moved as necessary. Since components are stored as std::vector<T>s, each T must be move constructible (and will be relocated on archetype migration). Destroying an entity erases its corresponding column from its archetype (if any) and removes its record. Such "destroyed" entities can be reused if needed: a record will simply be recreated for the same ID1.

1attempting to attach components to a default constructed entity / one not owned by the registry in question will trigger an assert.

registry::view<T...>() returns a vector of entity_view<T...>, which comprises of an entity and references to its components (as std::tuple<T&>). This list is built by probing existing archetypes and adding the columns of those which have at least all T...s to the result. An optional exclude<T...> argument can be passed to view(), which will be treated as a type blocklist (archetypes that do have any of those components will be skipped).


dens does not use / expect global / static data. Thus system<Data> is a class template where Data is a customizable type, a const reference to which must be passed to each system's update(). system<Data> is polymorphic and intended to be derived from to implement update-able systems. During updates a derived type may use .data() to obtain the passed Data const&2.

2attempting to access .data() outside update() will trigger an assert.

system_group<Data> derives from system<Data> and is capable of attaching unique instances of derived systems, each associated with a signed order of execution (default 0). It can also be derived from and attached, to form a tree of groups. The root group will update all attached systems in a depth-first manner. All groups are updated on the main thread, Data can be used for delegating tasks during an update (as demonstrated in the example above).


Pull/merge requests are welcome.

Original Repository


Archetype-based entity-component framework using C++20








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