Track changes in your POCO objects, and in your collections.
By using Castle Dynamic Proxy to create proxies of your classes at runtime, you can use your objects just like you used to, and just by calling the AsTrackable()
extension method, you get automatic change tracking, and cancellation.
All trackable POCOs implement IChangeTrackable<T>
, IRevertibleChangeTracking
, IChangeTracking
, IEditableObject
and INotifyPropertyChanged
And all trackable collections implement IChangeTrackableCollection<T>
, IBindingList
, INotifyCollectionChanged
, IList<T>
, IList
, ICollection<T>
, ICollection
, IEnumerable<T>
and IEnumerable
PM> Install-Package ChangeTracking
using ChangeTracking;
Order order = new Order
Id = 1,
CustumerNumber = "Test",
Address = new Address
AddressId = 1,
City = "New York"
OrderDetails = new List<OrderDetail>
new OrderDetail
OrderDetailId = 1,
ItemNo = "Item123"
new OrderDetail
OrderDetailId = 2,
ItemNo = "Item369"
Order trackedOrder = order.AsTrackable();
And here is how you get to the tracked info.
var trackable = (IChangeTrackable<Order>)trackedOrder;
// same as
var trackable = trackedOrder.CastToIChangeTrackable();
And here is what's available on trackable
//Can be Unchanged, Added, Changed, Deleted
ChangeStatus status = trackable.ChangeTrackingStatus;
//Will be true if ChangeTrackingStatus is not Unchanged
bool isChanged = trackable.IsChanged;
//Will retrieve the original value of a property
string originalCustNumber = trackable.GetOriginalValue(o => o.CustumerNumber);
//Will retrieve a copy of the original item
var originalOrder = trackable.GetOriginal();
//Calling RejectChanges will reject all the changes you made, reset all properties to their original values and set ChangeTrackingStatus to Unchanged
//Calling AcceptChanges will accept all the changes you made, clears the original values and set ChangeTrackingStatus to Unchanged
//If ChangeTrackingStatus is Changed it returns all changed property names, if ChangeTrackingStatus is Added or Deleted it returns all properties
By default complex properties and collection properties will be tracked (if it can be made trackable).
You can change the default by setting
ChangeTrackingFactory.Default.MakeCollectionPropertiesTrackable = false;
ChangeTrackingFactory.Default.MakeComplexPropertiesTrackable = false;
You can override the default when creating the trackable.
var trackable = order.AsTrackable(makeComplexPropertiesTrackable: false);
var trackable = order.AsTrackable(makeCollectionPropertiesTrackable: false);
var orders = new List<Order>{new Order { Id = 1, CustumerNumber = "Test" } };
IList<Order> trackableOrders = orders.AsTrackable();
And here is how you get to the tracked info.
var trackable = (IChangeTrackableCollection<Order>)trackableOrders;
// Same as
var trackable = trackableOrders.CastToIChangeTrackableCollection();
And here is what's available on trackable
// Will be true if there are any changed items, added items or deleted items in the collection.
bool isChanged = trackable.IsChanged;
// Will return all items with ChangeTrackingStatus of Unchanged
IEnumerable<Order> unchangedOrders = trackable.UnchangedItems;
// Will return all items that were added to the collection - with ChangeTrackingStatus of Added
IEnumerable<Order> addedOrders = trackable.AddedItems;
// Will return all items with ChangeTrackingStatus of Changed
IEnumerable<Order> changedOrders = trackable.ChangedItems;
// Will return all items that were removed from the collection - with ChangeTrackingStatus of Deleted
IEnumerable<Order> deletedOrders = trackable.DeletedItems;
// Will Accept all the changes in the collection and its items, deleted items will be cleared and all items ChangeTrackingStatus will be Unchanged
// Will Reject all the changes in the collection and its items, deleted items will be moved back to the collection, added items removed and all items ChangeTrackingStatus will be Unchanged
To exlude a property from being tracked, apply the DoNoTrack
attribute to the property or to the the property class.
public class Order
public virtual Address Address { get; set; }
//will not be tracked because the Lead class is marked [DoNotTrack].
public virtual Lead Lead { get; set; }
public class Lead
public virtual int LeadId { get; set; }
- .net 4.5.2 and above
- netstandard 2.0
Your class must not be
and all members in your class must bepublic virtual
public class Order { public virtual int Id { get; set; } public virtual string CustumerNumber { get; set; } public virtual Address Address { get; set; } public virtual IList<OrderDetail> OrderDetails { get; set; } }
You can only assign the created proxy to one of the implemented interfaces, i.e.
, and theAsTrackable<T>()
will choose the correct extennsion method only if called onIList<T>
.IList<Order> orders = new List<Order>().AsTrackable();