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Is a class for Php that uses the new API from blizzard to import data to your webhost and store it to create any number of things wow related
Additions to this Script include:
	PhP GD - Tabard creater
	Its own mysql Interface (life is easy'er that way)
	Cache System 50/50 it works i stoped using it when i went database
	Item Tooltip Gen yes you read wright i made a script ( well modded an old script) to make wow like item tooltips for storage
		-> *in the future the addition of adding enchants and gems into items will be added
	Talents a test file and the myswl info you will need to create talent trees along with spells and ranks and icons +tooltips lolz
	*Localization yes im adding a locale class for item and talent mods since the apu can pull any langrage why not support multiple
	If you have any comments or questions email me at ulminia (at) gmail dot com
	Now for some techinical info
Features include

Character info 
¦Basic information: name, level, class, race, gender, faction, guild, achievement points
¦Optional fields: equipped items, stats, reputation, primary and secondary skills, achievements/statistics, talents, titles, collected mounts and companions, quests, profession recipes, Hunter pets, PvP information

¦Basic information: name, level, achievement points
¦Optional fields: members (roster), achievements

¦PvP Teams Basic information: name, ranking, rating, weekly/season statistics
¦--Optional fields: members (roster)
¦Battlegroup info can be returned for ladder tracking

¦Races Info - returns race id's
¦Quest Info - returns name and reqlvl lvl and catagory or quests
¦Classes Info - returns class id info
¦Item Info - returns standard item info name icon socket colors sell type class ect.
¦Achievement Info - retuens all achievements in a catagorised list including name points and description


Character Api
•getCharInfo($realm, $char, $fields)

Used to pull info from the Api About given Character
Use: $api->Char->getCharInfo('Zangarmarsh,'Ulminia','1:2:3'); 
Returns json formated arrays contaning data given from the $fields fiels

$fields options are :

¦'1': 'guild' - A summary of the guild that the character belongs to. If the character does not belong to a guild and this field is requested, this field will not be exposed.
¦'2': 'stats' - A map of character attributes and stats.
¦'3': 'talents' - A list of talent structures.
¦'4': 'items' - list of items equipted by the character. Use of this field will also include the average item level and average item level equipped for the character.
¦'5': 'reputation' - A list of the factions that the character has an associated reputation with.
¦'6': 'titles' - A list of the titles obtained by the character.
¦'7': 'professions' - A list of the character's professions. It is important to note that when this information is retrieved, it will also include the known recipes of each of the listed professions.
¦'8': 'appearance' - A map of values that describes the face, features and helm/cloak display preferences and attributes.
¦'9': 'companions' - A list of all of the non-combat pets obtained by the character.
¦'10': 'mounts' - A list of all of the mounts obtained by the character.
¦'11': 'pets' - A list of all of the combat pets obtained by the character.
¦'12': 'achievements' - A map of achievement data including completion timestamps and criteria information.
¦'13': 'progression' - A list of raids and bosses indicating raid progression and completedness. 
¦'14': 'pvp' - A list of battleground info and team memberships for a given player. 
*¦'15': 'quests' - A list of completed quests. 

Guild Api
•getGuildInfo($rname, $name, $fields)
•getGuildperks($rname, $name, $fields)
•getGuildrewards($rname, $name, $fields)

Data Api
•getItemInfo($itemID,$gem0=null,$gem1=null,$gem2=null,$enchant=null,$es=false) - gems and enchants info not supported this was for a nother purpose or if exposed later

PvP Team
•getLadderInfo($battlegroup, $size)
•getTeamInfo($realm, $name, $size)

*feature may or mat not be active check latest build info


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