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An HTTP/1.1 server for Zig.


http.zig powers the api server.


This library supports native Zig module (introduced in 0.11). Add a "httpz" dependency to your build.zig.zon.

Why not std.http.Server

std.http.Server is slow. Exactly how slow depends on what you're doing and how you're testing.

Branches (scaling, robustness and windows)

Until async support is re-added to Zig, 2 versions of this project are being maintained: the master branch and the blocking branch. Except for very small API changes and a few different configuration options, the differences between the two branches are internal.

Whichever branch you pick, if you plan on exposing this publicly, I strongly recommend that you place it behind a robust reverse proxy (e.g. nginx). Neither does TLS termination and the blocking branch is relatively easy to DOS.

The master branch is more advanced and only runs on systems with epoll (Linux) and kqueue (e.g. BSD, MacOS). It should scale and perform better under load and be more predictable in the face of real-world networking (e.g. slow or misbehaving clients). It has a few additional configuration settings to control memory usage and timeouts.

The blocking branch uses a naive thread-per-connection. It is simpler and should work on most platforms, including Windows. This approach can have unpredictable memory spikes due to the overhead of the threads themselves. Plus, performance can suffer due to thread thrashing. The thread_pool = # setting, uses a std.Thread.Pool to limit the number of threads, resulting in more predictable memory usage and, assuming properly behaved clients, can perform better. The blocking branch is easy to DOS and really has to sit behind a reverse proxy that can enforce timeouts/limits.

More details are available here.


Simple Use Case

The library supports both simple and complex use cases. A simple use case is shown below. It's initiated by the call to httpz.Server():

const std = @import("std");
const httpz = @import("httpz");

pub fn main() !void {
    var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
    const allocator = gpa.allocator();

    var server = try httpz.Server().init(allocator, .{.port = 5882});
    // overwrite the default notFound handler

    // overwrite the default error handler

    var router = server.router();

    // use get/post/put/head/patch/options/delete
    // you can also use "all" to attach to all methods
    router.get("/api/user/:id", getUser);

    // start the server in the current thread, blocking.
    try server.listen(); 

fn getUser(req: *httpz.Request, res: *httpz.Response) !void {
    // status code 200 is implicit. 

    // The json helper will automatically set the res.content_type = httpz.ContentType.JSON;
    // Here we're passing an inferred anonymous structure, but you can pass anytype 
    // (so long as it can be serialized using std.json.stringify)

    try res.json(.{.id = req.param("id").?, .name = "Teg"}, .{});

fn notFound(_: *httpz.Request, res: *httpz.Response) !void {
    res.status = 404;

    // you can set the body directly to a []u8, but note that the memory
    // must be valid beyond your handler. Use the res.arena if you need to allocate
    // memory for the body.
    res.body = "Not Found";

// note that the error handler return `void` and not `!void`
fn errorHandler(req: *httpz.Request, res: *httpz.Response, err: anyerror) void {
    res.status = 500;
    res.body = "Internal Server Error";
    std.log.warn("httpz: unhandled exception for request: {s}\nErr: {}", .{req.url.raw, err});

Complex Use Case 1 - Shared Global Data

The call to httpz.Server() is a wrapper around the more powerful httpz.ServerCtx(G, R). G and R are types. G is the type of the global data R is the type of per-request data. For this use case, where we only care about shared global data, we'll make G == R:

const std = @import("std");
const httpz = @import("httpz");

const Global = struct {
    hits: usize = 0,
    l: std.Thread.Mutex = .{},

pub fn main() !void {
    var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
    const allocator = gpa.allocator();

    var global = Global{};
    var server = try httpz.ServerCtx(*Global, *Global).init(allocator, .{}, &global);
    var router = server.router();
    router.get("/increment", increment);
    return server.listen();

fn increment(global: *Global, _: *httpz.Request, res: *httpz.Response) !void {
    const hits = global.hits + 1;
    global.hits = hits;

    // or, more verbosse: httpz.ContentType.TEXT
    res.content_type = .TEXT;
    res.body = try std.fmt.allocPrint(res.arena, "{d} hits", .{hits});

There are a few important things to notice. First, the init function of ServerCtx(G, R) takes a 3rd parameter: the global data. Second, our actions take a new parameter of type G. Any custom notFound handler (set via server.notFound(...)) or error handler(set via server.errorHandler(errorHandler)) must also accept this new parameter.

Because the new parameter is first, and because of how struct methods are implemented in Zig, the above can also be written as:

const std = @import("std");
const httpz = @import("httpz");

const Global = struct {
    hits: usize = 0,
    l: std.Thread.Mutex = .{},

    fn increment(global: *Global, _: *httpz.Request, res: *httpz.Response) !void {
        const hits = global.hits + 1;
        global.hits = hits;

        res.content_type = .TEXT;
        res.body = try std.fmt.allocPrint(res.arena, "{d} hits", .{hits});

pub fn main() !void {
    var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
    const allocator = gpa.allocator();

    var global = &Global{};
    var server = try httpz.ServerCtx(*Global, *Global).init(allocator, .{}, global);
    var router = server.router();
    router.get("/increment", global.increment);
    return server.listen();

It's up to the application to make sure that access to the global data is synchronized.

Complex Use Case 2 - Custom Dispatcher

While httpz doesn't support traditional middleware, it does allow applications to provide their own custom dispatcher. This gives an application full control over how a request is processed.

To understand what the dispatcher does and how to write a custom one, consider the default dispatcher which looks something like:

fn dispatcher(global: G, action: httpz.Action(R), req: *httpz.Request, res: *httpz.Response) !void {
    // this is how httpz maintains a simple interface when httpz.Server()
    // is used instead of httpz.ServerCtx(G, R)
    if (R == void) {
        return action(req, res);
    return action(global, req, res);

The default dispatcher merely calls the supplied action. A custom dispatch could time and log each request, apply filters to the request and response and do any middleware-like behavior before, after or around the action. Of note, the dispatcher doesn't have to call action.

The dispatcher can be set globally and/or per route

var server = try httpz.Server().init(allocator, .{});

// set a global dispatch for any routes defined from this point on

// set a dispatcher for this route
// note the use of "deleteC" the "C" is for Configuration and is used
// since Zig doesn't have overloading or optional parameters.
server.router().deleteC("/v1/session", logout, .{.dispatcher = loggedIn}) 

fn mainDispatcher(action: httpz.Action(void), req: *httpz.Request, res: *httpz.Response) !void {
    res.header("cors", "isslow");
    return action(req, res);

fn loggedIn(action: httpz.Action(void), req: *httpz.Request, res: *httpz.Response) !void {
    if (req.header("authorization")) |_auth| {
        // TODO: make sure "auth" is valid!
        return mainDispatcher(action, req, res);
    res.status = 401;
    res.body = "Not authorized";

fn logout(req: *httpz.Request, res: *httpz.Response) !void {

See router groups for a more convenient approach to defining a dispatcher for a group of routes.

Complex Use Case 3 - Route-Based Global Data

Much like the custom dispatcher explained above, global data can be specified per-route:

var server = try httpz.ServerCtx(*Global, *Global).init(allocator, .{}, &default_global);

var router = server.router();
server.router().deleteC("/v1/session", logout, .{.ctx = &Global{...}});

See router groups for a more convenient approach to defining global dta for a group of routes.

Complex Use Case 4 - Per-Request Data

We can combine what we've learned from the above two uses cases and use ServerCtx(G, R) where G != R. In this case, a dispatcher must be provided (failure to provide a dispatcher will result in 500 errors). This is because the dispatcher is needed to generate R.

const std = @import("std");
const httpz = @import("httpz");

const Global = struct {
    hits: usize = 0,
    l: std.Thread.Mutex = .{},

const Context = struct {
    global: *Global,
    user_id: ?[]const u8,

pub fn main() !void {
    var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
    const allocator = gpa.allocator();

    var global = Global{};

    var server = try httpz.ServerCtx(*Global, Context).init(allocator, .{}, &global);

    // set a global dispatch for any routes defined from this point on

    // again, it's possible to had per-route dispatchers
    server.router().delete("/v1/session", logout) 

fn dispatcher(global: *Global, action: httpz.Action(Context), req: *httpz.Request, res: *httpz.Response) !void {
    // If needed, req.arena is an std.mem.Allocator than can be used to allocate memory
    // and it'll exist for the life of this request.

    const context = Context{
        .global = global,

        // we shouldn't blindly trust this header!
        .user_id = req.header("user"),
    return action(context, contextreq, res);

fn logout(context: Context, req: *httpz.Request, res: *httpz.Response) !void {

The per-request data, Context in the above example, is the first parameter and thus actions can optionally be called as methods on the structure.


The following fields are the most useful:

  • method - an httpz.Method enum
  • arena - an arena allocator that will be reset at the end of the request
  • url.path - the path of the request ([]const u8)
  • address - the of the client

Path Parameters

The param method of *Request returns an ?[]const u8. For example, given the following path:

router.get("/api/users/:user_id/favorite/:id", user.getFavorite, .{});

Then we could access the user_id and id via:

pub fn getFavorite(req *http.Request, res: *http.Response) !void {
    const user_id = req.param("user_id").?;
    const favorite_id = req.param("id").?;

In the above, passing any other value to param would return a null object (since the route associated with getFavorite only defines these 2 parameters). Given that routes are generally statically defined, it should not be possible for req.param to return an unexpected null. However, it is possible to define two routes to the same action:

router.put("/api/users/:user_id/favorite/:id", user.updateFavorite, .{});

// currently logged in user, maybe?
router.put("/api/use/favorite/:id", user.updateFavorite, .{});

In which case the optional return value of param might be useful.

Header Values

Similar to param, header values can be fetched via the header function, which also returns a ?[]const u8:

if (req.header("authorization")) |auth| {

} else { 
    // not logged in?:

Header names are lowercase. Values maintain their original casing.

To iterate over all headers, use:

for (req.headers.keys[0..req.headers.len], 0..) |name, i| {
    // name is the header name
    const value = req.headers.values[i];


The framework does not automatically parse the query string. Therefore, its API is slightly different.

const query = try req.query();
if (query.get("search")) |search| {

} else {
    // no search parameter

On first call, the query function attempts to parse the querystring. This requires memory allocations to unescape encoded values. The parsed value is internally cached, so subsequent calls to query() are fast and cannot fail.

The original casing of both the key and the name are preserved.

To iterate over all query parameters, use:

for (req.qs.keys[0..req.qs.len], 0..) |name, i| {
    const value = req.qs.values[i];


The body of the request, if any, can be accessed using req.body(). This returns a ?[]const u8.

Json Body

The req.json(TYPE) function is a wrapper around the body() function which will call std.json.parse on the body. This function does not consider the content-type of the request and will try to parse any body.

if (try req.json(User)) |user| {


JsonValueTree Body

The req.jsonValueTree() function is a wrapper around the body() function which will call std.json.Parse on the body, returning a !?std.jsonValueTree. This function does not consider the content-type of the request and will try to parse any body.

if (try req.jsonValueTree()) |t| {
    // probably want to be more defensive than this
    const product_type = r.root.Object.get("type").?.String;

JsonObject Body

The even more specific jsonObject() function will return an std.json.ObjectMap provided the body is a map

if (try req.jsonObject()) |t| {
    // probably want to be more defensive than this
    const product_type = t.get("type").?.String;

Form Data

The body of the request, if any, can be parsed as a x-www-form-urlencoded value using req.formData().

This behaves similarly to query().

On first call, the formData function attempts to parse the body. This can require memory allocations to unescape encoded values. The parsed value is internally cached, so subsequent calls to formData() are fast and cannot fail.

The original casing of both the key and the name are preserved.

To iterate over all fields, use:

for (req.fd.keys[0..req.fd.len], 0..) |name, i| {
    const value = req.fd.values[i];


The following fields are the most useful:

  • status - set the status code, by default, each response starts off with a 200 status code
  • content_type - an httpz.ContentType enum value. This is a convenience and optimization over using the res.header function.
  • arena - an arena allocator that will be reset at the end of the request


The simplest way to set a body is to set res.body to a []const u8. However the provided value must remain valid until the body is written, which happens outside of your application code.

Therefore, res.body can be safely used with constant strings. It can also be used with content created with res.arena (explained in the next section).

It is possible to call res.write() !void direclty from your code. This will put the socket into blocking mode and send the full response. This is an advanced feature. Calling res.write() again does nothing.

Dynamic Content

You can use the res.arena allocator to create dynamic content:

const query = try req.query();
const name = query.get("name") orelse "stranger";
res.body = try std.fmt.allocPrint(res.arena, "Hello {s}", .{name});

Memory allocated with res.arena will exist until the response is sent.


res.writer() returns an Various types support writing to an io.Writer. For example, the built-in JSON stream writer can use this writer:

var ws = std.json.writeStream(res.writer(), 4);
try ws.beginObject();
try ws.objectField("name");
try ws.emitString(req.param("name").?);
try ws.endObject();

Initially, writes will go to a pre-allocated buffer defined by config.response.body_buffer_size. If the buffer becomes full, a larger buffer will either be fetched from the large buffer pool (config.workers.large_buffer_count) or dynamically allocated.


The res.json function will set the content_type to httpz.ContentType.JSON and serialize the provided value using std.json.stringify. The 2nd argument to the json function is the std.json.StringifyOptions to pass to the stringify function.

This function uses res.writer() explained above.

Header Value

Set header values using the res.header(NAME, VALUE) function:

res.header("Location", "/");

The header name and value are sent as provided. Both the name and value must remain valid until the response is sent, which will happen outside of the action. Dynamic names and/or values should be created and or dupe'd with res.arena.

res.headerOpts(NAME, VALUE, OPTS) can be used to dupe the name and/or value:

try res.headerOpts("Location", location, .{.dupe_value = true});

HeaderOpts currently supports dupe_name: bool and dupe_value: bool, both default to false.


You can use the get, put, post, head, patch, trace, delete or options method of the router to define a router. You can also use the special all method to add a route for all methods.

These functions can all @panic as they allocate memory. Each function has an equivalent tryXYZ variant which will return an error rather than panicking:

// this can panic if it fails to create the route
router.get("/", index);

// this returns a !void (which you can try/catch)
router.tryGet("/", index);

There is also a getC and tryGetC (and putC and tryPutC, and ...) that takes a 3rd parameter: the route configuration. Most of the time, this isn't needed. So, to streamline usage and given Zig's lack of overloading or default parameters, these awkward xyzC functions were created. Currently, the only route configuration value is to set a custom dispatcher for the specific route. See Custom Dispatcher for more information.


Defining a custom dispatcher or custom global data on each route can be tedious. Instead, consider using a router group:

var admin_routes ="/admin", .{.dispatcher = custom_admin_dispatcher, .ctx = custom_admin_data});
admin_routes.get("/users", listUsers);
admin_routs.delete("/users/:id", deleteUsers);

The first parameter to group is a prefix to prepend to each route in the group. An empty prefix is acceptable.

The second paremeter is the same configuration object given to the getC, putC, etc. routing variants. All configuration values are optional and, if omitted, the default configured value will be used.


You must use a lowercase route. You can use any casing with parameter names, as long as you use that same casing when getting the parameter.


Routing supports parameters, via :CAPTURE_NAME. The captured values are available via req.params.get(name: []const u8) ?[]const u8.


You can glob an individual path segment, or the entire path suffix. For a suffix glob, it is important that no trailing slash is present.

// prefer using `server.notFound(not_found)` than a global glob.
router.all("/*", not_found, .{});
router.get("/api/*/debug", .{})

When multiple globs are used, the most specific will be selected. E.g., give the following two routes:

router.get("/*", not_found, .{});
router.get("/info/*", any_info, .{})

A request for "/info/debug/all" will be routed to any_info, whereas a request for "/over/9000" will be routed to not_found.


The router has several limitations which might not get fixed. These specifically resolve around the interaction of globs, parameters and static path segments.

Given the following routes:

router.get("/:any/users", route1, .{});
router.get("/hello/users/test", route2, .{});

You would expect a request to "/hello/users" to be routed to route1. However, no route will be found.

Globs interact similarly poorly with parameters and static path segments.

Resolving this issue requires keeping a stack (or visiting the routes recursively), in order to back-out of a dead-end and trying a different path. This seems like an unnecessarily expensive thing to do, on each request, when, in my opinion, such route hierarchies are quite uncommon.


CORS requests can be satisfied through normal use of routing and response headers. However, for common cases, httpz can satisfy CORS requests directly by passing a cors object in the configuration. By default, the cors field is null and httpz will handle CORS request like any other.

When the cors object is set, the origin field must also be set. httpz will include an Access-Control-Allow-Origin header in every response. The configuration headers, methods and max_age can also be set in order to set the corresponding headers on a preflight request.

var srv = Server().init(allocator, .{.cors = .{
    .origin = "httpz.local",
    .headers = "content-type",
    .methods = "GET,POST",
    .max_age = "300"
}}) catch unreachable;

Only the origin field is required. The values given to the configuration are passed as-is to the appropriate preflight header.


The third option given to listen is an httpz.Config instance. Possible values, along with their default, are:

try httpz.listen(allocator, &router, .{
    // Port to listen on
    .port = 5882, 

    // Interface address to bind to
    .address = "",

    // unix socket to listen on (mutually exlusive with host&port)
    .unix_path = null,

    // configure the pool of request/response object pairs
    .workers = .{
        // Number of worker threads
        .count = 2,

        // Maximum number of concurrent connection each worker can handle
        // $max_conn * (
        //   $request.max_body_size + 
        //   $response.header_buffer_size + (max($response.body_buffer_size, $your_largest_body)) +
        //   $a_bit_of_overhead + ($large_buffer_count * $large_buffer_size)
        // )
        // is a rough estimate for the most amount of memory httpz will use
        .max_conn = 500,

        // Minimum number of connection states each worker should maintain
        // $min_conn * (
        //   $request.buffer_size + 
        //   $response.header_buffer_size + $response.body_buffer_size +
        //   $a_bit_of_overhead + ($large_buffer_count * $large_buffer_size)
        // )
        // is a rough estimate for the lowest amount of memory httpz will use
        .min_conn = 32,

        // A pool of larger buffers that can be used for any data larger than configured
        // static buffers. For example, if response headers don't fit in in 
        // $response.header_buffer_size, a buffer will be pulled from here.
        // This is per-worker. 
        .large_buffer_count = 16,

        // The size of each large buffer.
        .large_buffer_size = 65536,

    // defaults to null
    .cors = {
        .origin: []const u8,  // required if cors is passed
        .headers: ?[]const u8,
        .methods: ?[]const u8,
        .max_age: ?[]const u8,

    // various options for tweaking request processing
    .request = .{
        // Maximum body size that we'll process. We'll can allocate up 
        // to this much memory per request for the body. Internally, we might
        // keep this memory around for a number of requests as an optimization.
        // So the maximum amount of memory that our request pool will use is in
        // the neighborhood of pool_size * max_body_size, but this value should be temporary
        // (there are more allocations, but this is the biggest chunk).
        max_body_size: usize = 1_048_576,

        // This memory is allocated upfront. The request header _must_ fit into
        // this space, else the request will be rejected. If it fits, the body will
        // also be loaded here, else the large_buffer_pool or dynamic allocation is used.
        .buffer_size: usize = 32_768,

        // Maximum number of headers to accept. 
        // Additional headers will be silently ignored.
        .max_header_count: usize = 32,

        // Maximum number of URL parameters to accept.
        // Additional parameters will be silently ignored.
        .max_param_count: usize = 10,

        // Maximum number of query string parameters to accept.
        // Additional parameters will be silently ignored.
        .max_query_count: usize = 32,

        // Maxium number of x-www-form-urlencoded fields to support.
        // Additional parameters will be silenty ignored. If you're not
        // using the request.formData function (say, because you're only
        // consuming JSON), setting this to 0 can save a bit of memory.
        .max_form_count: usize = 32,

    // various options for tweaking response object
    .response = .{
        // Used to buffer the response header. If the header is larger, a buffer will be
        // pulled from the large buffer pool, or dynamic allocations will take place.
        .header_buffer_size: usize = 1024,

        // Used to buffer the response body. If the body is larger, a buffer will be 
        // pulled from the large buffer pool, or dynamic allocations will take place.
        .body_buffer_size: usize = 1024,

        // The maximum number of headers to accept. 
        // Additional headers will be silently ignored.
        .max_header_count: usize = 16,

    .timeout = .{
        // Time in seconds that keepalive connections will be kept alive while inactive
        .keepalive = null,

        // Time in seconds that a connection has to send a complete request
        .request = null

        // Maximum number of a requests allowed on a single keepalive connection
        .request_count = null,
    .websocket = .{
        // refer to
        max_size: usize = 65536,
        buffer_size: usize = 4096,
        handle_ping: bool = false,
        handle_pong: bool = false,
        handle_close: bool = false,
        large_buffer_pool_count: u16 = 8,
        large_buffer_size: usize = 32768,


The configuration settings under the timeouts section are designed to help protect the system against basic DOS attacks (say, by connecting and not sending data). However it is recommended that you leave these null (disabled) and use the appropriate timeout in your reverse proxy (e.g. NGINX).

The timeout.request is the time, in seconds, that a connection has to send a complete request. The timeout.keepalive is the time, in second, that a connection can stay connected without sending a request (after the initial request has been sent).

The connection alternates between these two timeouts. It starts with a timeout of timeout.request and after the response is sent and the connection is placed in the "keepalive list", switches to the timeout.keepalive. When new data is received, it switches back to timeout.request. When null, both timeouts default to 2_147_483_647 seconds (so not completely disabled, both close enough).

The timeout.request_count is the number of individual requests allowed within a single keepalive session. This protects against a client consuming the connection by sending unlimited meaningless but valid HTTP requests.

When the three are combined, it should be difficult for a problematic client to stay connected indefinitely.


The httpz.testing namespace exists to help application developers setup *httpz.Requests and assert *httpz.Responses.

Imagine we have the following partial action:

fn search(req: *httpz.Request, res: *httpz.Response) !void {
    const query = try req.query();
    const search = query.get("search") orelse return missingParameter(res, "search");

    // TODO ...

fn missingParameter(res: *httpz.Response, parameter: []const u8) !void {
    res.status = 400;
    return res.json(.{.@"error" = "missing parameter", .parameter = parameter}, .{});

We can test the above error case like so:

const ht = @import("httpz").testing;

test "search: missing parameter" {
    // init takes the same Configuration used when creating the real server
    // but only the config.request and config.response settings have any impact
    var web_test = ht.init(.{});
    defer web_test.deinit();

    try search(web_test.req, web_test.res);
    try web_test.expectStatus(400);
    try web_test.expectJson(.{.@"error" = "missing parameter", .parameter = "search"});

Building the test Request

The testing structure returns from httpz.testing.init exposes helper functions to set param, query and query values as well as the body:

var web_test = ht.init(.{});
defer web_test.deinit();

web_test.param("id", "99382");
web_test.query("search", "tea");
web_test.header("Authorization", "admin");

web_test.body("over 9000!");
// OR
web_test.json(.{.over = 9000});

// at this point, web_test.req has a param value, a query string value, a header value and a body.

As an alternative to the query function, the full URL can also be set. If you use query AND url, the query parameters of the URL will be ignored:


Asserting the Response

There are various methods to assert the response:

try web_test.expectStatus(200);
try web_test.expectHeader("Location", "/");
try web_test.expectHeader("Location", "/");
try web_test.expectBody("{\"over\":9000}");

If the expected body is in JSON, there are two helpers available. First, to assert the entire JSON body, you can use expectJson:

try web_test.expectJson(.{.over = 9000});

Or, you can retrieve a std.json.Value object by calling getJson:

const json = try web_test.getJson();
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(i64, 9000), json.Object.get("over").?.Integer);

For more advanced validation, use the parseResponse function to return a structure representing the parsed response:

const res = try web_test.parsedResponse();
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u16, 200), res.status);
// use res.body for a []const u8  
// use res.headers for a std.StringHashMap([]const u8)
// use res.raw for the full raw response

Zig Compatibility

0.12-dev is constantly changing, but the goal is to keep this library compatible with the latest development release. Since 0.12-dev does not support async, threads are currently used. Since this library is itself a WIP, the entire thing is considered good enough for playing/testing, and should be stable when 0.12 itself becomes more stable.

HTTP Compliance

This implementation may never be fully HTTP/1.1 compliant, as it is built with the assumption that it will sit behind a reverse proxy that is tolerant of non-compliant upstreams (e.g. nginx). (One example I know of is that the server doesn't include the mandatory Date header in the response.)

Server Side Events

Service Side Events can be enabled by calling res.startEventStream(). On success, this will return an httpz.Stream (which is a or a mock object during testing). The stream will remain valid for the duration of the action, but req and res should no longer be used. res.body must not be set (directly or indirectly) prior to calling startEventStream.

// Can set headers
res.header("Custom-Header", "Custom-Value");

const stream = res.startEventStream();
// do not use res or req from this point on
while (true) {
    // some event loop
    try stream.writeAll("event: ....");


http.zig integrates with When httpz.upgradeWebsocket is called and succeeds, the provided Handler is initialized and the socket is handed over to the websocket read loop within a separate thread.

When using websocket.zig standalone, your Handler's init function gets a 3rd parameter: a websocket.Handshake. With the http.zig integration, init does not get a handshake; you should validate the *httpz.Request before calling upgradeWebsocket.

const std = @import("std");
const httpz = @import("httpz");
cont websocket = httpz.websocket;

pub fn main() !void {
    var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
    const allocator = gpa.allocator();

    var server = try httpz.Server().init(allocator, .{.port = 5882});
    var router = server.router();
    // a normal route
    router.get("/ws", ws);
    try server.listen(); 

fn ws(req: *httpz.Request, res: *httpz.Response) !void {
    if (try httpz.upgradeWebsocket(Handler, req, res, Context{}) == false) {
        // this was not a valid websocket handshake request
        // you should probably return with an error
        res.status = 400;
        res.body = "invalid websocket handshake";
    // when upgradeWebsocket succeeds, you can no longer use `res` 

// arbitrary data you want to pass into your Handler's `init` function
const Context = struct {


// this is your websocket handle
// it MUST have these 3 public functions
const Handler = struct {
    ctx: Context
    conn: *websocket.Conn,
    pub fn init(conn: *websocket.Conn, ctx: Context) !Handler {
        return .{
            .ctx = ctx,
            .conn = conn,

    pub fn handle(self: *Handler, message: websocket.Message) !void {
        const data =;
        try self.conn.write(data); // echo the message back

    pub fn close(_: *Handler) void {}


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