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Repository files navigation

Order Management System

API Specifications:

H2 Console:


- JDBC Url: jdbc:h2:file:./src/main/db/assigment-db
- username: sa
- password: <blank>


A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running

mvn clean install

Run Application

mvn spring-boot:run

Entrypoint to Application



Data-Model was modified from the skeleton setup


Package: com.yieldBroker.entity
Order: Plain Old Java Object representation of Orders Table (YB_ORDER)

Objects to accept data from & send to client

package: com.yieldBroker.model

OrderBook: POJO containing buyOrders and sellOrders seggrgated
OrderBookModel: OrderBook contains list of Orders
OrderModel: POJO to carry informartion to serverside/ from server-side for order-handling (Place Order)


package containing classes with end-points for clients to interact with OrderManagementSystem

Class: com.yieldBroker.controller.OrderBookController


package containing service layer of order management system

Interface: com.yieldBroker.service.OrderService

Class: com.yieldBroker.service.OrderServiceImpl


package containing the repository classes to interact/transact with database (H2)

Interface: com.yieldBroker.repository.OrderRepository

Class: com.yieldBroker.repository.OrderRepositoryImpl

OrderBook Build Logic:

  1. Extract Orders from orderRepository in ascendingOrder of Side and receivedTime
 List<Order> orderCollection = orderRepository.findAllByOrderBySideAscReceivedTimeDesc();
  1. Filter and seggregare Buy & Sell Orders using java-8 lambda library

  2. Extract buy Orders from Order entities

    1. sort by price in Descending Order and receievedTime - Ascending Order
List<OrderBookModel> buyOrders =
                                                            .map(ybOrders -> convertToOrderBookModel(ybOrders))
  1. Extract Sell Orders from Order entities

    1. sort by price in ascending Order and receievedTime - Ascending Order
 List<OrderBookModel> sellOrders =
                                            .map(ybOrders -> convertToOrderBookModel(ybOrders))
  1. translate sorted & seggregated order-entities to OrderBookModel Objects

  2. set buyOrders and sellOrders property in OrderBook

return new OrderBook().setBuyOrders(buyOrders).setSellOrders(sellOrders);

Running the tests

mvn test

Break down into Unit tests

Test Class: com.yieldBroker.OrderBookControllerIntegrationTest

Purpose: Repository Methods - interaction/transaction with H2 Database (In-Memory)

Comments: H2 is an in-Memory and initialized/destroyed per-test execution

Test Methods:

- should_Store_Order_Successfully

Test Class: com.yieldBroker.service.OrderServiceImplTest

Purpose: Service Methods - interaction/transaction with H2 Database (In-Memory)

Comments: H2 is an in-Memory and initialized/destroyed per-test execution

Test Methods:

- test_Store_Order
- test_Cancel_Order
- test_Get_Order_Book

Test Class: com.yieldBroker.controller.OrderBookControllerTest

Purpose: Controller Methods - interaction/transaction with Order Book Service

Comments: H2 is an in-Memory and initialized/destroyed per-test execution

Test Methods:

- shouldBeEmpty
- shouldBeBuyOrderAfterPlaceOrder
- shouldBeEmptyAfterPlaceAndCancel
- test_Place_Order
- test_Cancel_Order
- test_Get_Order_Book

Break down into end to end tests

Test Class: com.yieldBroker.OrderBookControllerIntegrationTest

Test Methods:

- test_Place_Order_Successfully
- test_Place_Order_With_Bad_Request
- test_Cancel_Order_Successfully
- test_Get_OrderBook_Successfully_And_Verify_Content

Design Improvements:

- CQRS Seggregation of Order Handling and Order Query

- Reactive Java and Spring-5 reactive library can be used to query/store in reactive-way

- Controller to make use of Mono and Flux

- Event Driven Micro-Services where Orders are managed via events

- A Kafka layer acting as message broker/message bus to store events

- Specific partitions on kafka for placeOrder and cancelOrder

- A special in-memory View to be constructed/updated upon receiving order events

  - In Memory view listens to Order Events and update the OrderBook Tree/Graph Structure

  - OrderBook Query MicroService to work on querying this view

  - Scalable to web-scale with no impact on Database (H2)

API Gateway , Service Management & Latency Improvement

- Zuul-2.0 , OAuth-2.0 & JWT , Eureka-Client, Routing for Building API-Gateway
- Eureka-Server to register microservices
- Inter MicroServices communication on Google ProtoBuf to reduce latency
- can Use gRPC for micro-Service communication on Protobuf dataformat

DevOps Improvements:

 - Add Docker configuration
 - enable/configure Piplelines for Continuous Build, Delivery & Deployment
 - Use AWS - RDS (Relational Database As a Service) for scalable feature
 - Push Docker image to AWS and run from AWS


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