Grammars written for ANTLR v4; expectation that the grammars are free of actions.
Dify is an open-source LLM app development platform. Dify's intuitive interface combines AI workflow, RAG pipeline, agent capabilities, model management, observability features and more, letting yo…
Run macOS VM in a Docker! Run near native OSX-KVM in Docker! X11 Forwarding! CI/CD for OS X Security Research! Docker mac Containers.
高性能websocket库, Callback写法,在高频cpu上有不俗表现
《Hello 算法》:动画图解、一键运行的数据结构与算法教程。支持 Python, Java, C++, C, C#, JS, Go, Swift, Rust, Ruby, Kotlin, TS, Dart 代码。简体版和繁体版同步更新,English version ongoing
🔥LeetCode solutions in any programming language | 多种编程语言实现 LeetCode、《剑指 Offer(第 2 版)》、《程序员面试金典(第 6 版)》题解
Ready to use Slack bot for lazy developers: start Jenkins jobs, watch Jira tickets, watch pull requests with AI support...
Automatically generate RESTful API documentation with Swagger 2.0 for Go.
K8s-club for learn, share and explore the K8s world :)
A Kubernetes Mutating Admission Webhook example, using Go.
libfaketime modifies the system time for a single application
OpenTelemetry auto-instrumentation and instrumentation libraries for Java
Repository for sample controller. Complements sample-apiserver
talkgo / read
Forked from yangwenmai/learning-golangGo 学习之路:Go 开发者博客、Go 微信公众号、Go 学习资料(文档、书籍、视频)
📖 Go 程序员面试笔试宝典 | 从问题切入,串连 Go 语言相关的所有知识,融会贯通。
Standard Go Project Layout
✅ Solutions to LeetCode by Go, 100% test coverage, runtime beats 100% / LeetCode 题解
Kubernetes deployment strategies explained
High Performance Inter-Thread Messaging Library
HiveMQ MQTT Client is an MQTT 5.0 and MQTT 3.1.1 compatible and feature-rich high-performance Java client library with different API flavours and backpressure support
如何参加 CNCF 等开源社区呢?如何向 Kubernetes 等开源仓库提交贡献呢?这里提供一些信息
ELK Training
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🚨 Collection of Prometheus alerting rules