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Pulsar Beam is a streaming service via HTTP built on Apache Pulsar.


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Pulsar Beam

Beam is a http based streaming and queueing system that is backed up by Apache Pulsar.

  1. Data can be sent to Pulsar via an HTTP POST method as a producer.
  2. To consume the data, data can be pushed to a webhook.
  3. A webhook can reply processed message, in the response body, back to another Pulsar topic via Pulsar Beam.

The development is in an early stage. Please email [email protected] for any inquiry or demo. Opening an issue and PR are welcomed!


  1. Since Beam speaks http, it is language and OS independent. You can take advantage of powerhouse of Apache Pulsar without limitation to choice of client and OS.

Immediately, Pulsar can be supported on Windows and any languages.

  1. It's simple.


Endpoint to receive messages


These HTTP headers are required to map to Pulsar topic.

  1. Authorization -> Bearer token as Pulsar token
  2. TopicFn -> a full name of Pulsar topic (with tenant/namespace/topic) is required
  3. PulsarUrl -> a fully qualified pulsar or pulsar+ssl URL is required

Webhook registration

Webhook registration is done via REST API backed by configurable database, such as MongoDB, in momery cache, and Pulsar topic. Yes, we can use a compacted Pulsar Topic as a database table to perform CRUD. The configuration parameter is "PbDbType": "inmemory", in the pulsar_beam.json file or the env variable PbDbType.

TODO: add REST API document.

Sink source

If a webhook's response contains a body and three headers including Authorization, TopicFn, and PulsarUrl, the beam server will send the body as a new event to another Pulsar's topic specified as in TopicFn and PulsarUrl.

Dev set up

clone the repo at your gopath folder.


Install golint.

$ go install
$ cd src
$ golint ./...

How to run

The steps to start the web server.

$ cd src
$ go run main.go

Server Mode

In order to offer high performance and separate responsiblity, webhook and receiver endpoint can be running independently -mode broker or -mode receiver. By default, the server runs in a hybrid mode.

Local CI, unit test and end to end test

There are scripts under ./scripts folder to run code analysis, vetting, compilation, unit test, and code coverage manually as all of these are part of CI checks by Github Actions.

One end to end test is under ./src/e2e/e2etest.go, that performs the following steps in order:

  1. Create a topic and its webhook via RESTful API. The webhook URL can be an HTTP triggered Cloud Function. CI process uses a GCP
  2. Send a message to Pulsar Beam's v1 injestion endpoint
  3. Waiting on the sink topic where the first message will be sent to a GCP Cloud Function (in CI) and in turn reply to Pulsar Beam to forward to the second sink topic
  4. Verify the replied message on the sink topic
  5. Delete the topic and its webhook document via RESTful API

Since the set up is non-trivial involving Pulsar Beam, a Cloud function or webhook, the test tool, and Pulsar itself with SSL, we recommend to take advantage of the free plan at as the Pulsar server and a Cloud Function that we have verified GCP Fcuntion, Azure Function or AWS Lambda will suffice in the e2e flow.

Step to perform unit test

$ cd src/unit-test
$ go test -v .

Docker-compose and Docker builds

Run sudo docker-compose up to start the Pulsar beam server in hybrid mode with external database.

Here are steps to build docker image and run docker container in a file based configuration.

  1. Build docker image
$ sudo docker build -t pulsar-beam .
  1. Run docker This is an example of file based user Pulsar topic configurations.
$ sudo docker run -d -it -v /etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/pem/tls-ca-bundle.pem:/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt -v /home/ming/go/src/ -p 3000:3000 --name=pbeam-server pulsar-beam