R | Python | Tableau | Shiny
A series of static visualizations, dashboards, and animations generated mostly from various from public data sources using R, Python. All data fetching, cleaning, and plotting done 100% with code.
- Zeyl-et-al-2022-Sci-Rep - These analyses accompany a paper published in Scientific Reports comparing anatomy between different aquatic and terrestrial birds. Scripts include statistical analyses(regression, PCA) controlled for phylogenetic relatedness, and mapping traits on phylogenies.
- Zeyl-et-al-2023-Hearing-Research - Analyses for a research article published in Hearing Research examing scaling of bird ear anatomy across animal sizes. In addition to phylogenetic regressions, analyses automate the extraction of measurements from audiogram curves. Various audiogram plots as well.
Python | SQL
Projects using SQL and relational databases
- BigQuery weather project
- Inventory command line app. A small app to update an inventory spreadsheet based on a separate salesspreadsheet. The same task was done using pure python programming and with equivalent SQL commands and GUI created with tkinter.
R | Python
- 3D Slicer automation🐍 Python scripts automating various commands normally done through the GUI of 3D Slicer. To be run in the built-in Python interpreter.
- AcousticCalcs - A set of convenience functions for common calculations in acoustics and audiometry in R.
- Ear Measures - A set of R scripts that automate analysis on on 3D coordinate files, including data import, running a series of measurements(compute distances, surface areas, angles).
- ImageJ Macro Scripts - Scripts written using the imageJ macro language